Chapter 10

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"So, who wants to do the honors?" JinHee asked. "I will!" MiYoung said excitedly, putting her new purple and blue zebra striped SPARKLee keycard into the elevator slot and retrieving it. KyungMi pushed the button and the girls squeeled as the elevator chimed.


                The girls' jaws dropped as the elevator opened. They had a huge black leather wrap around sofa in the living room with a 46" T.V mounted on the wall. There were paintings and decorations on the wall. The kitchen was similar to their old one but larger and better equipped. They had two bathrooms and all the space they needed. 

            MiYoung walked down the hallway and ran back screaming. "Guys! We have our own bedrooms!" She screamed. KyungMi walked over to the wall and pulled a string she noticed hanging from a base near the ceiling. A giant shade moved to reveal a massive window with a gorgeous view of Seoul. "Hey guys look!" The girls stared in awe at the buildings and lights of the city. Their apartment was beautiful and they were ecstatic to be there. 




          The next day MiYoung woke up late. It felt good to be on a little vacation for this week after the craziness that happened last week. She looked at her iPod and saw that it was 10AM and the apartment was quiet. 


         She reached to her dresser and picked up her keycard. It was amazing to be here. This place was theirs. She rolled out of bed and walked into the hallway where she collided with HyunJae. "Whooo tryna kill me all early in the mornings!" HyunJae said. "Whoops sorry" ,MiYoung said,Go ahead you can go first." "Alright~" HyunJae replied walking into the bathroom. She brushed her teeth,showered and ran into her bedroom. MiYoung grabbed her  towel and toothbrush and stepped into the bathroom deciding to shower first then brush. When she was done she went to her room and put on a pair of pajama shorts, a sports bra, and a tank top. 

             "Hey Everybody!" KyungMi called," come in the kitchen" The girls walked into the kitchen where KyungMi was waiting. "SeoJin had an envelope sent up here this morning. There's a letter, It says 'Hello girls now that you have officially selected and moved into your new home we must discuss the new terms of your contract, and your new schedule. Please meet with me in the main building at 12:00 for a lunch meeting. Please be prompt."


            "Okay~,JinHee said, well it's about 10:45 now so we might as well wait for 12 since its a lunch meeting." "Yep!" HyunJae said. "Well what do you guys want to do?" KyungMi asked. "Krystal?" HaNeul suggested. "Sounds good,  JinHee said, let me just check if its okay to come down." 

               The girls got dressed once Jin said it was ok for them to go to the F(x) dorm. They got on the elevator and went downstairs where they were ambushed with hugs and congratulations. "Last night was out of this world!" Amber said. "Thank you~" the girls said together. "And HyunJae with Luna's high note~~~ haha I think you have competition here Luna" Sulli teased. "A worthy adversary indeed" Luna said. "Well I'm just impressed with your use of Japanese~ I think that's what really won a lot of people over" Victoria said. "Well thank Hana for that one" MiYoung said, nudging her Unnie. "Guys! Come in sit down, Krystal said, Do you want anything to drink?" The girls sat on the couch. "So, I was thinking of having a party~" MiYoung said. "Ooh~ WE should throw YOU guys a welcome party!" Amber thought aloud. "Oh my gosh! YES! This weekend! Don't worry we'll handle everything!" Krystal said. "Saturday?" HaNeul suggested. "Perfect Luna said, We can have it here~" "Okay~" The girls said together. 

              They all talked on and on about party preparations when Kyung said, "Hey Guys! It's 11:55! We gotta go!" The girls said their goodbyes and rushed out actually using the stairs for once. They got to the main lobby with a minute to spare. "Hello girls, SeoJin, said as they entered the lobby. Right on time. Lets go upstairs to have our meeting." 

           They followed her upstairs to the conference room where DaeHo was waiting for them. "Hello girls, he said, congratulations on the big win. Please help yourselves to the buffet while we get ready to start. We're still waiting on someone." The girls nodded and turned toward the array of food."Yes! My vegetable rolls!" HyunJae said. "You mean kimbap?" MiYoung teased. "What ever its called I'm gone get me some of these !" HyunJae replied. The girls followed suit filling their plates but separating the food so it didn't look as if they were taking too much. They sat at the table and nibbled on the food, only scarfing when DaeHo and SeoJin stepped out of the room. 


             "This food is so good!" MiYoung said. "Mmmhmm so worth the wait" KyungMi added. The girls slowed their bites when they heard the door open. "Ahh ladies, I'd like you to meet Wendy, your new manager,DaeHo said, she will be supervising and accompanying you to all scheduled events and making sure everything runs smoothly." "Hi girls it's so nice to meet you all, I'm really good with names but bad with faces. Ok so whose HaNeul?, Hana raised her hand, Oh hi! and HyunJae?, she raised her hand, KyungMi?, she raised her hand, JinHee?, she raised her hand, and you must be MiYoung", she said. MiYoung waved and smiled. 


            "So for the next few weeks you all will be working with our writing team and choreographers to put together your mini album. It will consist of 5 songs, 3 upbeat songs, 1 cute song, and one ballad. We also must come up with a concept for and shoot a music video for one of the songs.

Once you've had your debut stage  you will be packing up and heading on tour with SHINee. There is much to do ladies, welcome to the big time."  DaeHo said.

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