Chapter 24

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Onew looked at the silver ring set he had bought for HyunJae. During the time that MiYoung was in the hospital he and HyunJae had gotten much closer. She looked to him for comfort and he liked that. She made him feel more important and wanted than anyone had ever made him feel in his life. He wanted to feel that way forever. He had to make her his. 

              HyunJae walked to the park to meet Onew. He called her and told her that he had something to talk to her about. Onew saw HyunJae and ran his hands through his hair one last time. She smiled when she saw him and waved. She sat next to him on the bench. "Hey~, she said, whats up?" "Hey~, he said, how are you?" "Im great~ ,you?" she said. "Fine~,he replied, I've been thinking about this a lot and I really like you. I want you to be my girlfriend." "Are you asking me or telling me?" She asked. They both laughed. "Im asking you~" he said, moving her bangs so he could look into her eyes. "Then yes" She answered. The smiled at each other and held hands. 



             Key watched JinHee as she tied her shoes. They were going to a movie. JinHee had no idea what Key really had planned. They arrived at the movie theatre and Key payed for the tickets and they went inside. They sat together in the middle of the theatre. When the movie was over he made her stay to watch all the the credits. She wondered why but didn't mind spending a little more time with him. Suddenly key appeared on the screen. "Hey JinHee!, he said, I wanted you to know that I think you are a very special one in a million kind of girl. The kind of girl that she be my girlfriend. So what do you say? Will you be mine?" JinHee beamed. The real Key next to her pulled out two silver couple rings. She almost screamed "Yes!" He put the ring on her, the other on his finger, and the two shared a kiss for the first time. 



                 MiYoung and JongHyun were laying on her bed watching a movie. They were laughing at all the comical moments until the couple in the movie started kissing. "MiYoung, he said, do you remember that day when KyungMi walked in on us in Indonesia?" "Yeah, she said suddenly embarrassed, what about it?" "Would you actually have--?" He said leaving the rest of the sentence up to her imagination. "As much as i want to~ No" she said. "Why?" He said genuinely curious. "No matter how incredibly attractive I find you~ I don't sleep around. We're not even together." He nodded and laughed. "Actually that was something I wanted to talk to you about, he said, I heard what you said on the radio show that day." "Oh~." she said while blushing. He turned her head so she was looking at him. "Was it true?" He asked. She looked away from his face. "Yes." She said. "Then why didn't you ever say anything?" He asked bringing her eyes back to to his face. "I guess I was afraid~" she said. "You should never be afraid to tell me anything, he said, I'm here for you." She nodded. "MiYoung you've inspired me to be a better man, and Im sorry but Im selfish. I want you to belong to me and only me." He said. "Okay" she said staring into his eyes. He pulled her closer to him and got close to her face. His warm breath tickled her cheek. "Say it~" he said. "I belong to you~" she said breathing heavily. He pressed his lips against hers roughly and she wrapped her arms around his neck running her fingers through his hair. "Wait, he said suddenly stopping, I gotta give you this ring" "screw the ring ill get it later" she whispered sharply before kissing him again. He rolled on top of her and she pulled his shirt up over his head. They could hear noise outside the room but they didn't care. Nothing would spoil this moment. 



             MinHo waited for KyungMi  outside her dorm."hey~" she said coming up behind him. "Hi~, he said, you look great~!" "Thank you~!" She said. "Are you ready to go?" He asked. She nodded. They got into his car and drove up to a park outside the city. MinHo laid out a picnic blanket and the two of them sat down on it. MinHo went back to the car and got a picnic basket. He brought it back over to KyungMi. Inside there were sandwiches, fruit punch, and lots of sweets like cake and candy. The two ate and talked about their days. They laughed and KyungMi wiped MinHo's mouth for him. When it got dark they watched the sun set basking in its amber glow enveloped in love. They knew in their hearts it would last forever.

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