Chapter 8

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Monday came before KyungMi even knew it. She had been restless all weekend after finding out about the showcase. She jumped out of bed and into the shower. When she was ready to go she found that Sarah and the rest of the girls were just finished getting dressed. They had 10 minutes to get to the dance room. 

            Luckily, they made it in time.   Jenny was leading the class through a stretching sequence when SeoJin entered. "Excuse me, I need to see the girls from SPARKLee and Nexus for a bit" "Oh, alright.  Girls go ahead,Jenny said, the rest of you! From the top!"

                 The girls walked into the hallway and followed SeoJin across the street and into the conference room on the second floor of the main building. There they met DaeHo who was waiting for them in the chair at the head of the table. "Hello girls how are all?" He asked. "Good" everyone replied." So I'm sure you've all heard the buzz in the dorms about the showcase this Friday",the girls all nodded, "You must be prepared with a 2 songs of your choice, and a dance. Be very careful when making your musical selections. You will judged on sound, dance skill, pronunciation and overall appearance." "How many judges will there be?" Nolie asked. The girls looked at her, she was good looking, skinny and a good dancer but that didn't make up for her attitude. "You will be judged by the other idols in the company. Each idol group will deliberate, decide their choice and their leader will read the name of their choice aloud at the end of the showcase. In case of a tie the C.E.O will make the final decision" he said. 

           The girls nodded. "Anymore questions?" DaeHo asked. "What happens to the winner" Noelle asked. 

"Ahh~ the winner will be moved out of the trainee dorms, exclusively trained through the summer and debut in the fall, they will also serve as the opening act for another group that will be revealed that night on their cross Asia tour" he said.  "And what happens to the loser?" Norae asked. "The loser, will be sent home immediately with the solo losers", he replied, "Any other questions?"  When no one replied, he dismissed them.


              Just as the elevator door was about to close, Nolie stopped them with her foot. "You know you bitches should just quit now."she threatened, "I mean there is no way that you can win so you might as well just drop out now."  "What?" MiYoung said "you heard her!" Noelle added, joining her sister in front of the elevator doors. "Look bitch you better move from in front of these doors before I slam your head in the shaft" HaNeul said. "I'd like to see you try" Norae said. 

           Just as MiYoung started to ball up her fists, SeoJin came down the hallway. "Girls!, she said, get to your dorms now! It's passed curfew." 

The Nexus girls backed away from the elevator door and they closed descending the girls to the lobby floor.


         " I should have beat her ass!" MiYoung yelled as she entered the girls' dorm. "Man! if SeoJin didn't come down that hallway that bitch would have had a brand new bald spot and a black eye!" HaNeul roared. "Guys calm down!", HyunJae yelled, " It's all a ploy to get to us! They want us to focus on getting back at and being mad at them to psych us out! They don't want us to focus on the showcase cause they know we'll kick their behinds!" "Yeah!" KyungMi said. "Come on guys lets just get to bed and get some sleep we've got a big week coming up." They girls went to bed and slept hard. They knew that they'd need the rest for the work they would have to put themselves through, but in the end it would all be worth it. They would win. 


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