Chapter 9

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Friday afternoon came before the girls knew it and they found themselves walking back to their dorm dripping in sweat. They had been in the practice room all morning going over their dance routine over and over until it was perfect. They had done it 12 times in a row and they were exhausted. They took turns taking showers and went to bed. Within an hour of arriving home, they were all out cold. 


            Hours later, someone was frantically knocking on their door.They all woke up and stalked to the front door to find Krystal on the other side. "Guys! Comeon! Your showcase is in 2 hours you have to get ready!" "Okay give us a second to change~" KyungMi said. "No time! Krystal said, put your shoes on  and let's go, come in your pajamas!" The girls put their sneakers on and followed Krystal to a van waiting outside. They got in and soon arrived at a salon.

             "Come on you guys your gonna  look great tonight" Krystal said leading them into the salon. Soon the girls were being primped and polished. When they were finished, they thanked the stylist and got into the van. They looked great with their new hairdos. Hana got her hair blown out so that it was flowy and sexy. KyungMi got her hair straightend so it cascaded almost to her waist. JinHee's hair was pinned up into a French rolled Mohawk with one peice of hair slightly curled on the side of her face. HyunJae got her hair pulled up into a high ponytail with her bangs out, and lastly MiYoung let out her bangs and got her hair spiral curled, with a pinned up French roll on one side. 

             The girls arrived back at the main building and rushed to their dressing room in the back of the auditorium to get ready. The show case was about to begin


               The girls put on their outfits and waited backstage till' it was time to go on. They heard DaeHo's voice on the mic signifying the showcases commencement. "Good Evening SM family and welcome to the 2013 summer showcase. As our established artists it is your job to decide which group and the one solo artist will stay with us. Unfortunately due to scheduling everyone could not be here but thank you to everyone that is and we appreciate you all being our judges. With that I will call our first act" he said. 

             The girls looked at eachother puzzled. "Did he just say ONE solo artist?" HyunJae asked. " I believe so~ "which means that they lied. They said that everyone had a chance now  there will be only one out of the 6 solo artists?" MiYoung said. "This company is crazy!" JinHee said. They listened to the show again, Rose lee just went off stage and Dae Ho was announcing the next act. 

              Just like the day they first arrived it felt like they were waiting for an eternity. The girls idly listened until they heard the name 'Nexus' be called. Nolie,Noelle, and Norae went out on stage and sang their first song. The girls turned on the monitor in the dressing room to watch the show. Nexus opened with a rendition of 4MINUTES's Badly, followed by 2NE1's Lonely, and ending with KARA's Mister.

                The girls smiled to themselves knowing that they would win with their secret weapon that had up their sleeves. When their name was called they cued the stage director and walked out. The room went black and 5 spotlights shined on each member as F(X)'s Pinnochio started to play. The girls did their good friends justice singing and dancing the song perfectly. The crowd applauded as their next song began. The crowd hushed the as the girls began to sing SHINee's Life. 

Finally the girls closed the show with DBSK's Mirotic in Japanese. The crowd roared as they bowed and ran smiling off stage. 


                  Back in the dressing room the girls were buzzing with excitement. They turned on the monitor again and turned it way up high so they could hear. DaeHo stepped on stage and and greeted the crowd once again. "Alright! Now how was that! Okay judges please deliberate and we'll give the results in 10 minutes."

              "Only 10 minutes?" JinHee asked. "Hopefully 10 minutes is all we need" MiYoung said. After the 10 minutes were up all the acts were called up to the stage. DaeHo started to speak, " The moment has finally come. In the category of solo artists, for the chance to go to SM Academy and train under our experienced instructors and amongst our other gifted trainees, the winner is~ Sarah Chung for her performance of BoA's Girl On Top!" Sarah screamed as she thanked the judges for selecting her. Sarah went backstage as the other girls walked down the aisle and out of the building where they would wait on a bus for the group category losers and be sent home. "And for the group category the judges will hold up the name of their choice" DaeHo said. 

             The girls held eachothers hands as they waited to hear the names called. "Judges I will now ask you your choices. BoA?- SPARKLee!, F(x)?- SPARKLee!, Girls Generation?- SPARKLee!, Super Junior?- SPARKLee!, The Grace?- Nexus!, TRAX- Nexus!, TVXQ- SPARKLee! And lastly, SHINee?- SPARKLee! Well it was almost unanimous. For the opportunity  to stay here with us, train exclusively with SM,  debut in the fall, and accompany an SHINee on their cross Asia tour, the winner is SPARKLee~!"

              The girls jumped in the air hugging and screaming as the crowd applauded. They gave a winning performance of GIRLS  GENERATION's Into the New World and bowed. The crowd applauded them again and they  left the stage. 

             When the girls arrived at their dorm they found that the place had been cleaned out. They frantically ran around the dorm looking for any clues when they heard laughter. They went to the door to find SeoJin standing there. "Congratulations girls. Your belongings had been moved to your new dorm during your last performance. Give me your old key cards," she said, they handed them over and she handed them new ones, "Here are your new key cards you have to put them into the slot of the elevator to get to your floor,The fifth floor." They thanked her and got into the elevator. 

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