Chapter 4: Jan's Decision

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At the town's cemetery

"You can see the soul of an Akuma? You can save them? The Earl questions Allen. "Try and do it if you can!" The Earl then sits on Akuma Leo. "EXORCIST!"

Akuma Leo shoots its Blood Bullet, but Allen manages to block them. The Earl is disappoints in the result.

"Since the virus didn't work, you think simply shooting me will do the job?" Allen asks with a grin. "Don't underestimate me. You only managed to hit me last time because I was protecting Jan. You won't kill me with that kind of attack." Allen says provokingly. "The Anti-Akuma Weapon activated by my left hand possesses enormous strength and speed. An Akuma's bullet and hard body are no use against this hand." Allen's grin disappears. "This was made to destroy your weapon. It is God's weapon."

The Earl tilts his head.

"Hmph." He grunts. "Ignorant."

He then holds up an umbrella with a pumpkin head at the cap of the umbrella.

"All right then," He says. The tip of the umbrella glows. Something starts to appear. "There's a famous saying in the East," the Earl says. "Even with a crappy gun... shoot a lot and you'll hit something."

Thousands of Akuma appear all around the cemetery.

"I have a hell a lot of Akuma. GO–!" The Earl orders. "AKUMA CANNON!" The Akumas' start to shoot their Blood Bullets.

"JAN!" Allen calls. "GET OUT OF HERE! I'LL DESTROY THEM ALL!" Allen charges.

"Destroy..." Jan repeats.

Alice put her hand on Jan's shoulder and he looks at her.

"Jan, don't worry we'll get all of them so that they can rest in peace, so get out of here." Alice says.

"An Akuma is a Devil's weapon, created by the Earl. An enemy of the people. They are something that must be destroyed..." Jan thought. "I thought I knew..." Jan remembers the past.

"'Yo, this isn't good Leo, Akuma takes over the body of the ones they've kill. Ew, grotesque, I can't understand it! I'm also scared of you for reading so casually! With this theory, we would never know who was an Akuma.'" Leo complained.

"Leo's mom... all of the sudden... Leo... you were so shocked by your mom's death that... you developed a darkness within you? We even patrolled together to find Akuma. We knew that The Millennium Earl was a bad guy. But... you... you took in the Earl?" Jan thought.

Jan is outside of the cemetery. He grips the bars.

"You... idiot... you're an idiot, Leo..." Jan mumbles. "You wanted to see your mom again, even if she was going to be an Akuma... I can't see an Akuma's soul like Allen can. And I can't see them crying, but... but... God damn it..." Jan cries. "GOD DAMN IT!" He shouts. "Sorry, Leo. It's my fault for telling you about the Earl in the first place... I only knew about them, and I knew nothing about people."

Jan looks up at Akuma Leo.


Allen and Alice have just destroyed half of them.

"Good night. It will be over soon of one attack." Allen says.

Alice then lands on the ground and put together her twin swords into a single bow. She stretches the sting and a silver arrow appears between her fingers.

"Silver Rain!" Alice lets go of the arrow and it immediately spreads into hundreds of arrows and hit the Akumas'.

Allen was next. He slashes through every single Akuma including Akuma Leo. "Cross Grave!" Allen says and all the Akumas' shatter. The Earl is flying with his umbrella.

"Dang." He says. "I guess I won't be able to handle the two of you at this level. I'll flee for now!"

"EARL!" Allen cried.

"But this is just the beginning. Akuma will be evolving all around the world. This is the true beginning of the final act." The pumpkin of the umbrella opens its mouth and inside was a small clock. "I AM THE CREATOR OF THE AKUMA, THE MILLENNIUM EARL! I SHALL PURIFY THE WORLD OF THE CORRUPTED 'GOD', AND BRING THE WORLD TO AN END! GOD'S PRIEST, THE EXORCISTS... YOU CAN STRUGGLE ALL YOU WANT, BUT YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO SAVE THE WORLD! Never!" The Earl disappears. "Hahahaha!"

"Just the beginning..." Alice repeats.

Then she falls down on the ground unconscious. Silver returns to its bracelet form. Allen also falls down but was still conscious and his right arm is bleeding a lot.

"ALLEN!? ALICE!?" Jan called.

He runs over to Allen and Alice.

"Jan..."Allen says weakly. "I'm sorry, but could you call the doctor?" Jan looks at Allen amaze at how much blood was spilling.

"Wow, so much blood!" Jan starts to cry and his tears lands on Allen. "Hic... hic..." Allen looks up at Jan. "I'll bring a doctor... soon... so..." Jan laid his head on Allen. "Could you just faint until then...? It'll be over soon." Jan says.

Allen did and Jan goes to get a doctor for them.

~Three days later~At Jan's house

"What are you making?" Allen asks from behind.

"AH!" Jan screams in surprise. "WHAT THE HELL, DON'T JUST WALK RIGHT INTO THE ROOM!"

"I knocked, but you didn't notice." Allen looks over Jan's shoulders. In Jan's hands was a cross. "A cross...?"

"It's Leo's epitaph." Jan removes his goggles and looks at the cross. "He's considered a run-away, so no one knows that he's dead. Until they notice and put up a grave for him." Jan trails off. "You're going to the Exorcist Headquarters, right Allen?"

"Yeah." Allen replies. "Timcanpy is going crazy."

Timcanpy is flying back and forth with Allen's ribbon.

"I'd better start heading out after I wake up Alice."

'I'm going to my dad's place." Jan says face Allen. "I'll study more and gain some power, since I know I can't do much right now."

"All right... then, let's both try our best!" Allen says and the two fist bump.

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