Chapter 31: Crossroad

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In the forest

A weak, bloodied Allen Walker opens his eye and sees the moon drawn closer to him

"The moon... It looks so large." Allen thought as he holds out his hand in front of him. "No... don't come near me. I'm still... still..."

Without finishing his thought, Allen's arm falls to the dark and the light is his eyes leave him. Alice hears his arm fall and sees Allen in the state he is in. So she tries to move closer to Allen.

"Al... len..." Alice calls as she reaches to Allen. "Don't... die... Allen..."

Then her sight starts to get blurry and goes unconscious once again.


The sun rises and a humanoid, named Fou, walks through the bamboo forest.

"I can smell a corpse." Fou thought as she narrows her eyes, annoyed. "But I can't see a damn thing. What the hell is up with this fog!?"

Suddenly, she trips over something, which happens to be Allen's arm.

"OW!" Fou cries as she sits up on the ground holding her nose with her large mitten-like appendages. "M-my nose! I hit my nose! The hell! What the hell just happened!?"

Fou opens her eyes—as she had closed them when she rubs her nose—and sees a card in front of her.

"Hm? What the hell is this?" Fou says as she picks it up while continuing to massage her nose with her appendage. "A western playing card? Why is this...?"

Then, the female humanoid slowly turns around and looks behind her only to see Allen's lifeless body and Alice lying near Allen. Her expression darkens as she inspects the male Exorcist body.

"Goddamn." Fou mutters as she stands up. "It's already too late for him."

Just then, Alice slowly opens her eyes and sees Fou.

"Is someone... there?" Alice asks. Fou looks at Alice with wide-eyes.

"Hey! Are you all right!" Fou asks. "Stay with me!"

"Please... save Allen..." Alice asks. "Please..."

Alice then goes back unconscious. Fou looks at Allen then back to Alice.

"Tch..." For clicks her tongue.

Elsewhere; in the sky

As Iron Hammer carries Leenalee and Lavi, the two Exorcists search for their comrades: Allen, Alice, and Suman.

"You okay, Leenalee?" Lavi asks as he glances at the female Exorcist. "You look worn out. You should—"

"I'm fine." Leenalee replies before Lavi could finish. "More importantly, we have to hurry and help those three... I saw a really bright light in the sky and no matter how hard I searched. I couldn't find them...!"

Lavi grits his teeth in frustration.

We'll find them. Don't worry—" Lavi begins when suddenly, a nearby mountain explodes.

The explosion nearly knocks the two Exorcists off Iron Hammer and as they look towards the direction of where the blast had occurred, a small, golden golem flies out from the smoke. Seconds later, a horde of Akuma appears out of the smoke as well, chasing after the golem.

"Akuma?" Leenalee says as her eyes widens when she recognizes the small, golden golem. "Is that...?"

Leenalee immediately activates Dark Boots and launches herself off Iron Hammer. She destroys a few from the horde and saves the golem, letting Lavi finish the rest with his Anti-Akuma Weapon. Leenalee lands on the ground below and turns towards the golem.

"Timcanpy!" She exclaims in happiness as Lavi joins them. "Where's Allen and Alice, Timcanpy?"

Upon hearing the names of his comrades, the golem suddenly flies away, back in the direction of where it fled from.

In the forest

"According to Tim's memory, he parted with Allen and Alice here..." Lavi says as he looks at Timcanpy. "Alice was still unconscious at that time, but Allen... encountered a Noah and had his arm destroyed... but he only cared about protecting Suman's Innocence."

Leenalee slowly falls on her knees as she looks down and touches the blood on the ground.

"These blood stains... He was here." Leenalee mumbles. "But he's gone! Allen isn't around here anymore!"

As Leenalee begins to cry, Lavi surveys the area once more, looking for the other Exorcist.

"Alice... She's gone as well..." Lavi says to himself as he picks one of the playing cards off from the ground, flipping it over to see the ace of spades. Suddenly, Lavi's golem begins to speak.

"Can you hear me, Lavi?" Bookman calls. Lavi glances at his golem before looking back to the ace of spades.

"... What is it?" Lavi asks.

"Come back. A messenger is here."

Lavi turns and faces the golem.

"A messenger?" Lavi asks.

~A little later~
At the docks

Lavi and Leenalee arrives to where the other remaining comrades are and they see a hooded man.

"It's been a long time, Miss Leenalee." He says as he reaches for his hood, pulling it off. Leenalee looks up when she hears her name called and she stares at the man with recognition.

"You're... a member from the Asian Branch..." Leenalee says.

"I am Won." Sammo Han Won, the Assistant Branch Head introduces with a smile. "I have hastened to pass along a message given to me by our Branch Leader."

"A message?" Lavi asks.

"We have found two of your forces, Allen Walker and Alice Lakefield, and have taken charge of them." Won informs as he looks at each of the Exorcists.

Suddenly, Leenalee rushes towards Won and grabs his sleeves.

"Really...!?" Leenalee exclaims.

"Yes." Won replies.

"Are they... are Allen and Alice okay? Please, Mr. Won, let me see them right now!"

Won smiles falls from his lips.

"You must set sail immediately. You must leave Allen Walker and Alice Lakefield here in China."

Leenalee stares at Won in shock.

"I know it is hard for you, but please use your best judgment." Won adds as he places his hands on Leenalee's shoulders.

"Leenalee," Lavi calls out. "You... We both saw Tim's memories. He's lost his Innocence. There's no path he can take to continue being an Exorcists. We must... continue our mission without him."

Leenalee lowers her head as she slowly sinks into despair and Anita—who couldn't bear to see Leenalee in misery any longer—takes a step toward Won.

"It's impossible to leave immediately, Mr. Won..." Anita speaks as Won turns his head to face her. "Unluckily, our ship has been badly damaged due to last night's fight... repairing it will take some time."

Then, a smile appears on Won's face.

"It is needless to worry," Won glances at the ship. "A new Exorcists has just been dispatched here from Headquarters and because of her, you will be able to depart."

At that moment, the breeze blows and everyone turns their head towards the top of the ship. A woman stands there and pulls her hair behind.

"She is... Miranda Lotto."

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