Chapter 12: The Rewinding Town

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In Supervisor Komui's office

Allen, Alice, and Leenalee see the exhausted Komui lying down on pile of books.

"Well... I think it's there. Innocence, that is." Komui says. "But it's maybe there, just maybe, so don't count on it. It's just maybe. It's not absolute. It's just maybe. But you know, it's probably there but just maybe."

"We got the 'maybe' part already." Allen says.

"How can I say this? There seems to be a town that rewinds."

"Rewinding?" Alice asks.

"Yes, probably. Time and space are stopped on one day, and the people experience that day forever." Komui explains. "Squad Leader Reever!" He calls.

"Yes." Reever replies. "The start of the research is from the townspeople and the liquor store. It's the testimony of a nearby wholesaler. Last month, on October 9th, the liquor store got an order of 'please send ten barrels of Rose wine before the 10th', and he delivered it the next day. But no matter how many times he went through the gate, he was still outside. He got a bad feeling about it and had returned. He tried to contact the liquor store in a hurry, but couldn't reach them. And every day since, at the same time they get a call saying, 'please send over ten barrels of Rose wine before the 10th'." Reever explains. "By the way, the wholesaler is hospitalize for neurosis."

"I want to research it, but just like the wholesaler, the Finders can't get into the town." Komui says. "And so, here's my theory:" Komui clasped his hand together and rests on his chin on them. "1. If this is the work of an Innocence's mystery, then an Exorcist who also carries Innocence might be able to get inside. 2. But is the town is repeating October 9th over and over, then it might not be possible to exit once inside."

"Because its time and space are closed off?" Leenalee asks.

"Yes." Komui answers.

"Well then, let's get going, Allen, Alice." Leenalee says.

"Ah, yes!" Allen replies.

"Okay." Alice says.

Underground water path

Allen, Alice, and Leenalee get on the gondola and Allen starts rowing it. Once the gondola rides on the water the three of them starts to read the paper in their hands.

"The rewinding city, eh?" Allen says.

"Have you two gotten used to things, Allen, Alice?" Leenalee asks.

"You mean the work, or the Order?"

"It's both." Leenalee answers.

"I'm still a little uncomfortable with regards to the work, but I've begin to think of the Order as 'HOME', at least a little. I think..." Allen says.

"For me, there are some things I still don't know, but I have a lot of time to think about it later." Alice replies.

"That's good to hear." Leenalee says.

Afterwards, Allen, Alice, and Leenalee reach to the rewinding town.

"I wonder if we can get in..." Allen wonders.

"Well, nothing for it but to try." Leenalee suggests.

"Right." Alice agrees.

The three of them walk through the gate, into the town.

In the Rewinding Town

Allen, Alice, and Leenalee go through the gate and see that the town's citizens are normal.

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