Chapter 36: Sinking Darkness

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On the ship

The boat starts to sink into the ocean.

"THE SHIP..." Lavi shouts. "IT'S SINKING!"

"Why...!?" Miranda says. "The Recovery should still be functioning normally...!?"

Miranda then sees chains coiling around her Innocence

"What... is this?" Miranda asks.

When Miranda touches the chain, she feels electricity through the chain.

"Ow!" Miranda says and she widens her eyes. "Can this possibly be... don't tell me...!?"

In the middle of the ocean

Leenalee slowly sinks down into the water.

"...Tch. What...!?" Leenalee says.

"I'm certain my Dark Boot haven't broken down..." Leenalee thought. "So it must mean..."

"Your ship is sinking." The Akuma Eshi points out as he looks at the boat and Leenalee looks up. "A ton of people are being swallowed up by the sea."

Leenalee looks at the same direction as the Akuma.

"It's impossible for you to see that far with your meager human sight, eh...?" Akuma Eshi says as he looks at Leenalee. "But you will return to them soon enough." It then points at the ocean. "In the darkness below."

Suddenly, the chains appear around Leenalee.

"Eshi's Dark Matter... has the ability to 'manipulate gravity'." Akuma Eshi explains. "Those who are recipients of Eshi's attack... not only suffer damage but feel the effects of gravity influenced by Dark Matter. You can no longer move swiftly as before. This is the end."

Leenalee grabs the chain and start pulling it.

"GUH...!" Leenalee grunts as she feels the electricity. "A―H!"

Akuma Eshi starts to charge towards her.

"You can no longer escape." Akuma Eshi says.

It then starts to attack Leenalee not able to dodge its attacks anymore.

"My body feels so heavy, I've lost my speed and agility...!" Leenalee thought.

Akuma Eshi then grabs Leenalee by the head and drags her straight into the ocean.

"Title:" Akuma Eshi says and punches Leenalee before it comes out of the ocean. "'A Holy Woman Fallen into Darkness.'"

As Leenalee sinks into the ocean, Akuma Eshi grabs its head and opens all of his eyes that is all over his head.

"EXCITEMENT!" Akuma Eshi shouts. "I can hear... That woman's heartbeat is getting weaker... The heartbeat that gets weaker from the water pressure... Even though Eshi reached... Level 3... Eshi still can't reach the bottom of the sea... Eshi wanted to see... Eshi wanted to see the completion of Eshi's work... However, Eshi shall enjoy your friends' dead body...!"

Black Order: Asia Branch

Allen's Cursed Eye activates and Allen wakes up from the pain of it.

"UH!" Allen grunts and he sits up. "Again..."

Allen stares at his Cursed Eye.

"It's like a starving demon seeking its prey..." Allen desribes. "Is it reacting to Akuma that's somewhere far away...? Ever since it's rebirth at Krory's castle, this evolving left eye sometimes hurt me like this in the middle of the night. As it doesn't allow me to sleep. As it wants to send me to Akuma. A scream of a great amount of souls that I wasn't supposed to hear wanders around my body through my left eye."

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