Chapter 5: The Black Order

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On the cliff of where the Black Order is

Allen is climbing the cliff of the Black Order with Alice on his back. Around them, there are thousands of black golems.

"Hah... hah..." Allen breaths. "Why... why the heck did they build this place all the way up here?" Allen stammers.

"Allen, you okay?" Alice asks.

"Somehow... we're almost there!"

They reach the top of the cliff and in front of them is the Black Order. Alice gets off and Allen is on his knees heaving.

"Hah... hah..." He then sits down on the ground and looks up. "Finally... we made it..." Allen says tiredly. "The main Headquarters of the Exorcist... the Black Order." The Black Order is a high layered building. Allen looks up with a face. "...Or is it?" Allen asks as he looks at the building.

"I've heard stories, but... the surrounding sure has a weird feeling to them." Alice says. "Is this really the place, Timcanpy?" Allen stands up and pulls his sleeves down.

"Anyway, let's get going." Allen says.

He helps Alice up and he grabs his suitcase while Alice grabs hers. They head towards the tall building.

In the Black Order

"Who is this kid?" Komui asks while fixing his glasses. "No, no, no, you can't let outsiders come in here~~. Why didn't you stop them?" He asks.

Oh, Supervisor Komui." Reever says looking at Komui. "This guy seems a little different than a normal outsider."

"Look here, nii-san!" Leenalee says. "These two. They're accompanied by the General Cross' golem." Leenalee points at Timcanpy on the screen.

"Excuse me–" It is Allen's voice.

Outside the Black Order

"We were sent her by Priest Cross Marian. I'm Allen Walker and this is Alice Lakefield." Allen tells the black golem. "I would like to discuss some issues with the priests."

In the Black Order

"Friends on the General! He's still alive after all!" A scientist says.

"The boy is saying he is to be 'introduced'." Reever says. "Supervisor, have you heard anything?"

"...Nope." He answers.

Outside the Black Order

"Take the examination behind you." Reever says.

"Huh?" Allen says and turns around.

The Gatekeeper, he's a giant face locates between the two gates in the large wall. Allen is speechless.

"Hi." Alice says. "Nice to meet you."

The Gatekeeper suddenly very close to Alice and Allen.

"Hee–" Allen and Alice thought.

"X-ray examination. Determining subject is Akuma or human." The Gatekeeper's eyes lights up and flashes onto the both of them.

"Wha..." Allen says.

In the Gatekeeper's eyes, Allen and Alice couldn't show up.

"They won't show up? Is it a bug?" The Gatekeeper says. Then the Gatekeeper's eyes marked "X" and its mouth opens widely. "THESE TWO ARE OUTTA HERE!" The Gatekeeper screams.

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