Chapter 19: Crisis of the General

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At the train station; at the railroads

Allen, Lavi, and Alice finally destroy every Akuma in the area. The Three Exorcist practically destroyed the area in ruins. The three of them are tired after destroying so much Akuma, lying down on the piece of rubble.

"How many did you destroy?" Lavi asks Allen.

"About... 30." Allen answers.

"Ah, I won! I got 37." Lavi says. "What about Alice?"

"I don't know..." Alice answers.

"So there were 70 all together... a simple attack just aimed at us. They must be targeting you two and Leenalee while you three are still injured..." Lavi says as he fixing his bandana. "Or maybe they have an ulterior move...?"

Allen slowly tries to get up while using his left arm as a support.

"I wonder if the hospital is okay..." Allen says but grunts as his bones crack in his left arm. "OW!"

"You okay?" Alice asks as she stands up.

"Sort of... my left arm hasn't healed yet." Allen answers. "I wish I had a weapon like you, Alice, and the others have, Lavi... Parasitic type is SO inconvenient..."

"...The hospital is that way, right?" Alice asks as she staggers her way to where Allen and Lavi are.

"Eh... yeah... probably." Lavi answers. "You all right, Alice?"

"Yeah... just a bit soar..." Alice answers. "Let's go..."

"All right, but if you need a hand just let me know." Alice nods.

Lavi then holds Iron Hammer up with a handle side up.

"Hold onto this." Lavi says. Alice and Allen grab onto the handle.

"Size shifting hammer... EXTEND!"

"UGH!?" Allen grunts. Iron Hammer's handle launch up high into the sky.

"UWA–!? DOWA–!" Allen cries and Alice shut her eyes tight.

"TO THE HOSPITAL, EXTEND! EXTEND! EX~~TEND!" Lavi shouts and Allen continues screaming. As the three Exorcists heading towards the hospital, Baseball (Akuma) stands besides a building then disappears.

In the hospital

Komui is holding Leenalee in his arms. Bookman stands on the corpse of Akuma.

"Spit it out," Bookman demands. "Why did you come here?"

"He... hehehehe..." Akuma laughs. "The Millennium Earl has a message for you..." Akuma adds. "Time is up~ The 1000 year prologue is over. Now the drama will unfold~ When you hear the bell for the curtain call, don't run! You Exorcists are our performers!" Akuma delivers. Suddenly a piece of the trapped Akuma detaches from the main body and lunges at Komui.

"An easy kill!" Akuma shouts, but it explodes.

Komui and Bookman's eyes widen what they see. The Akuma that was heading for Komui was destroyed swiftly by none other than Leenalee. She activates Dark Boots and destroys the Akuma.

"Le..." Komui says with shock. "Leenalee..."

Leenalee smiles at her brother.

"You woke up..." Bookman says.

"UWA―H!" Someone screams.

Suddenly the three Exorcists that are on Iron Hammer come crashing through the wall and into where Bookman stands. Leenalee and Komui look at the pile of crumble debris with shock. Komui is lost for words.

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