Chapter 55: Calm Before the Attack

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Black Order Headquarters
Inside the Infirmary

"UGH... UUOOHH... UWWAO—H...!" Komui cries as he sits beside the bed that Leenalee is lying on.

"Really... you cry far too much, nii-san." Leenalee says.

"But... Leenalee, your lovely hair... the most beautiful hair in the world... it...!"

"Stop saying such embarrassing things!"

"Really, you are quite the disturbance here, Supervisor. If you dirty the bed further, I may have you remove from the ward!" The head nurse says as she pulls the sheet that Komui is crying on.

"Head nurse, your horrible~~~~!" Komui complains as tears and snot come down.

"I'm sure you have plenty of word you should be doing, nii-san..." Leenalee says. "I'll make sure to bring you some coffee when I'm feeling better!"

"...Yeah." Komui says and pats Leenalee's head before rubbing causing her to blush. "Oh, by the way, I made this dakimakura of myself. It sings a lullaby..."

"We have no need for it." The head nurse says.

"Go to slee-p, go to slee-p, my sweet Leenalee—!" The dakimakura sings.

"G-good night, Leenalee~!" Komui yells as the head nurse pushes him out of the room.

"Oi, oi..." Alice says.

"Eheh..." Miranda giggles.

"Sorry for all the noise, Alice, Miranda..." Leenalee apologizes.

"Ahaha, oh, Leenalee-chan..." Miranda says.

"Wh-what is it?"

"It must have been nice for you to see the Supervisor-san. You look happy."

"You really look happy, Leenalee." Alice says.

~The next day~

Allen, Alice, Leenalee, Lavi, and Miranda are eating as Jerry serves the food and Allen keeps staking the plates that he ate. Just then, a man walks towards them and presents a pie in front of Allen.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Howard Link. I'll be supervising you. I bake some pumpkin pie, please help yourself." The man, Link says and everyone stops eating and stares at him.

"O–H! I gladly have some, bon appetite!" Allen says and stabs the pie with a fork as Lavi holds his arm that have the fork.

"It's my pleasure." Link says.

"Wait Allen! Get a grip of yourself! He just said he'd me supervising you!" Lavi exclaims.

"So what do what, Link-san?" Alice asks. "You said about supervising Allen.

"Yes. Have you head the Fourteenth?" Link asks as he sits in front of Allen.

"The Fourteenth?" Allen asks.

"It's the Noah that was erased from the Noah Clan. The Noah Family we know only had thirteen members... but a fourteenth was born. Hence the 'Fourteenth'. Have you not heard of this?"

Allen then remembers when a man appears on the window in the piano room.

"So how is this related to my supervision...?" Allen asks.

"...First... please answer these." Ling says as he puts a huge stack of papers in front of him. "Hand in all the documents in the morning after you wake up."

"Holy crap!" Lavi exclaims seeing the huge stack of papers.

"How the hell..." Allen trails off.

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