Chapter 53: Outmatched

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Inside the Ark

As Chaoji holds the rubble as Leenalee is trying to get the tentacle off as it tightens her body.

"Damn..." Leenalee curses.

"I can't break through this stuff... wrapped around my body..." Leenalee thought.

"A–GH—!" Chaoji yells.

"Chaoji...!" Leenalee calls.

"Lee... Leenalee-sa... what's happening to me...?" Chaoji asks.

"You're synchronizing with an Innocence around here... But if you go on much longer...!"

"It's the same as it was with Miranda... there's a huge strain on his body. Probably another equipment-type Innocence." Leenalee thought.

"Your weapon is transforming but the power is uncontrolled! The raw power is too powerful for its user! If you keep it activated like this, it will destroy you own body...!"

"B... but... what should I do...?! There's nowhere left to run to..." Chaoji says Tyki is getting closer to then as both of his hand starts to glow.

"Kakakaka!" Tyki laughs as he launches himself towards the two.

"Dammit..." Chaoji curses.

"Nii-san..." Leenalee thought.

Just then, Allen's sword, Lavi's Iron Hammer, and a silver arrow shoot towards Tyki whit they collide each other which causes the rubble that Chaoji was holding up and Tyki moves back.

In front of Leenalee and Chaoji are Allen, Alice, and Lavi as they have their weapons ready as Alive has Silver in bow form. The three Exorcists are panting in exhaustion as they stare at Tyki.

"Kakaka!" Tyki laughs and he then launches towards the Exorcists themselves towards him. However, Allen, Alice, and Lavi are thrown off from Tyki's attack which they crash into the rubble.

"Those three are..." Leenalee says and Chaoji notices Tyki is behind her.

"Leenalee-san!" Chaoji alarms her and she turns around and sees him about to punch her. However, a white cloth wraps around Tyki's arm which connects to Allen's glove.

"Make no mistake... Your opponent is me... I'm sure I told you already..." Allen says as he stands up. "Didn't you... want to kill me...?"

Tyki then switches his target and charges at Allen.

"Allen-kun!" Leenalee shouts.

"Allen!" Alice shouts and she runs towards him.

"Come on... Even If... I don't make it out of here alive... I will keep fighting until I have no life in me..." Allen says as he grips on his sword. "Just like I promised to Mana...!"

Just then a cross with a woman's body with wings appear below Allen which causes an energy to burst out, effecting Tyki and creating a giant hole below of Allen. When the cross disappears, Allen begins to fall down into it.

"A—GH—!" Allen yells as Alice looks down the hole.

"Allen!" Alice shouts and sees Allen is being caught by a man where a heavy coat and a skull head.

"What is this filthy little brat." A man's voice says which Alice recognize.

"That voice..." Alice thought.

"I thought he looked all right for a moment there, but... No, he's just filthy..." A familiar figure pops on the skull's head. "He hasn't changed a bit since the day I found him, my idiot apprentice."

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