Chapter 14: Contact

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In Miranda's home

Miranda, Leenalee and Alice sit around the table.

"...Incredible." Allen says. "Alice! Leenalee! Look of this!"

The three turn around to see Allen is in the clock.

"A human clock!" He says happily.

"KYA–!" They scream in horror.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING, ALLEN!? HOW DID THIS HAPPEN!?" Leenalee starts to panic.

"MY CLOCK–!" Miranda screams.

Allen then comes out of the clock.

"You can't touch this clock." Allen says. "Look what happens when I touch it..."

He put his arm through the clock. "See?"

"WAH! YOUR HAND PASSED THROUGH!?" Leenalee screams.

"It seems that the only person who can touch this clock is its master, Miranda." Alice says.

"Eh!?" Leenalee looks at Alice confuse.

"That 'rewinding of time' before, and now this... there's no mistake, it must be the Innocence." Allen says.

"Re... really?" Miranda says. "This clock is what has caused the town to become paranormal..." Miranda suddenly has a knife in her hands and points it at the Exorcists. "Don't... don't tell me that you're going to break it...? My friend..." The three put their hands up.

"Calm down." Leenalee says.

"But Miranda, are you sure you don't have any big concerns in your heart? There must be a reason why this clock became this way." Alice asks her. "Try to remember. What happened on the real October 9th?"

Miranda puts her hand to her and starts thinking.

"...That day was..." Miranda speaks. "The day that I was fired for the 100th time..." Leenalee, Alice, and Allen became silent as Miranda's answer. "As anyone would expect, when the number of times I've been fired reached 3 digits, I was feeling very..."

~On the original October 9th~
In Miranda's home

Miranda is drunk next to her clock.

"No more... no mor–e–..." Miranda says. "Day after day, things always go wrong for me. Remain hopeful? Haha... 'hope'? What's that? Whatever... I don't care about life anymore..." She says. "I wish tomorrow would never come."


After Miranda tells the three what happened on the real October 9th, they point at her with shock.

"...Maybe that's why...?" Miranda says unsure.

"Eh...?" The three says.


"I-it can't be I was just whining..." Miranda says in disbelief. "And besides, how could a clock do something like that!?"

"Miranda, can it be that you're..." Alice speaks. "Compatible with this Innocence...?"

"REALLY!?" Allen says surprised at Alice's conclusion.

"Oh! If the clock responded to Miranda's wish and caused strange things to happen, then it's likely that she's synchronized already." Leenalee says.

"What? 'Compatible'?" Miranda says in confusion.


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