Chapter 44: A Way Out

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Inside of the Ark

"There is an exit." The man says and Allen looks back and sees Tyki. "Little boy."

Allen stares at him before he, Lavi, and Krory point at Tyki and Alice widens her eyes from recognizing the man.

"THICK-LENS!" The three Exorcists shout.

"Eh, is that my name?" Tyki asks.

"W-w-why? What are you doing here!?" Lavi exclaims.

"Hey." Kanda calls. "That guy's radiating blood thirst."

Tyki grins and grabs Allen's head.

"Hey, boy." Tyki calls. "Why are you still... ALIVE!" Tyki then headbutts Allen's forehead.

"—UH!" Allen grunts while touching his forehead.

"Because of you, I have to put up with everything the Earl, and those midgets said to me..."

"What are you tal—" Allen pauses from seeing Tyki's skin is getting darker and Tyki lifts his head, letting his glasses to pass through.

"You want an exit, right?" Tyki asks. "I can give you one." Tyki lifts his hair that covers his forehead, showing the stigma. "This ship doesn't have its own exit anymore... But another one can be made through Road's ability."

Then Road's door comes up from the ground, behind Tyki.

"A door shot up from the ground...!" Lavi thought.

"Lero! That door..." Lero exclaims. "It's Road-tama's door!?"

"Our Road is the only Noah who can move through space without using the Ark." Tyki explains. "So how about it? Let's continue our match on the train. This time, I'll be betting my 'exit' against you 'lives'. No cheating this time, little boy."

"What is the meaning of this, Tyki?!" Lero questions. "Earl-tama will never...!"

Tyki then balances the key on his finger.

"This is the key that can open Road's door and three other doors that lead to it. You can have it." Tyki says and the key passes through his finger. "Think about it. Though you don't have the free time to waste grumbling."

Suddenly, the building breaks off, landing on top of Tyki.

"TYKI!" Lero yells.

"T-the building collapsed on top of him!" Krory exclaims.

"Is he dead?" Lavi asks.

Kanda notices something thrown towards at them and he catches it before Kanda sees the key that Tyki showed.

"Hunting for Exorcists..." Tyki speaks. "Is pretty fun. I'll place the door on top of the tallest building. If you get to the door before it crumbles... Then you win."

"I heard that the Noah are immortal." Allen says. "How is this playing?"

"AHAHAHAHAHA!" Tyki laughs. "Whoops. Sorry about that. I don't know how it happened myself... But we are still humans too, boy. We only look immortal..." Tyki's foot comes out and he walks out of the building. "Because you guys are weak!"

Suddenly the road starts to cave in.

"Uwah!" Lavi shouts.

"Shit, run!" Kanda exclaims.

"To a safer area!" Alice exclaims.

Then Leenalee falls through the hole and Allen catches her.

"Hang on tight!" Allen tells her.

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