Chapter 24: Vampire of the Castle 4

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In the hidden room
~Allen's conscious~

Footsteps echo and stop. Someone stands behind the little Allen. The young Allen eyes widen, then looks straight ahead.

"Mana...?" Young Allen thought, not turning around to see if his guess is correct.

"Even if I can no longer see out of my left eye, I intend to continue being an Exorcist... just like my friends, I have made a vow." The little Allen says, but starts to cry as he remembers Mana.

"Mana..." The little Allen calls.

"If that's the case... go deeper. To a world darker than black, brighter than white... Embrace it." Mana says.

~The real world~

Allen activates a newer version of the Cursed Eye, resembling a sort of cogwheel monocle. Eliade starts to brush herself off.

"Jeez. You've damaged it, you really are a nasty brat. Ah- my clothes are all tattered too." Eliade complains.

"Aren't you going to change shape?" Allen asks.

"I hate becoming ugly. I like this appearance better." She responds as she tucks her hair behind her ears. "But, well... in this this situation... I can't complain..."

Eliade pulls off her face and transforms into her Akuma form.

"That's right." Allen agrees, pulling his hood over his head.

Just as Eliade transforms, Alice ignores the pain from the broken bones as she activates Silver (twin swords form) and stands up, staggering a bit towards where Allen is. The two Exorcists look at each other then nods as Eliade lunges to them, evading her attack.

In the graveyard

Krory suddenly becomes pained as Lavi activates his seals.

"UAAAAAAA... GUGAGAGAGA..?" Krory groans on pain.

"Huh? Hey, what's wrong?" Lavi asks.

But Krory didn't answer him just continues to groan painfully.


"If only I drank more of Eliade's blood..." He thought, but brushes it away.


"'Impermissible'?" Lavi thought.

"GYUUU! GOD DAMN IT...!" Krory exclaims.

"Well... whatever!" Lavi says with a smile. "I don't know what's your deal it, but this is my chance. No hard feelings, 'kay?"

"GUUU..." Krory shudders.

Iron Hammer grows in size as the seals rotate around it and Lavi.

"Innocence: Second Opening-BAN!" Lavi says as Iron Hammer hits the seal, . "Hi!"

Lavi strikes with his hammer on the ground to use the Fire seal and the area around them has a large print of the seal, (hi) with a circle around it (maru).

"Gouka Kaijin! HIBAN!" Lavi recites, meaning 'Fire Stamp! Hell Fire and Ash'.

The fire seal creates torrents of flames around Krory in the form of a snake, making it look as if Krory has been eaten by a fire snake.

"UAH... AAH! UWAAAAAAAAA!" Krory screams as the snake charges into the castle walls, creating another hole.

"Don't worry. I kept my flames reasonably low." Lavi explains.

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