Chapter 49: Talk Before the Battle

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Inside the Ark; the tower

The Exorcists are sitting at the table while Alice is sleeping, recalling her lost memories.

"Now, it looks like we can finally take our time to talk, boy." Tyki says and Allen continues glaring at him. "Don't make that face. I haven't set any traps. Didn't I say that there'd be no cheating?"

Road then gets near Allen and hugs him, to Lero's dismay.

"It'll be all right, Allen." She reassures. "On this tower's top floor, my door is prepared properly and everything."

"... It would be pleasing if it lead outside properly as well." Allen says.


Leenalee looks down and clutches her hands. She then recalls Tyki's words.

"Apart from here, everything else has collapsed and been destroyed."

"Kanda... Krory... We let those two behind... That means..." Leenalee thought and she tightens her fists. Then Lavi squeezes her hand.

"Get a hold of yourself, Leenalee." Lavi tells her. "Allen's trying his best as well."

"That's right... I had decision to try my best..." She thought. "Get a hold of yourself, Leenalee. This isn't the time to be crying."

"What was it that you want to discuss, Lord Tyki Mikk?" Allen asks. "Or is it Mr. 'Sticky-fingers and immoral orphan and tramp'?"

"Don't be so cold, boy." Tyki says. "An Exorcist made a Noah stripped down to his underwear. Was that the first time you did it? Do you think it was destiny for it to be us?"

"Not really. There are a lot of people that I've stripped down to their underwear in cards."

"Ooh! What a dark thing to say! Are you really 15?"

"... Is about this Innocence?" Allen asks as he shows his left hand. Then Tyki smirks.

"The truth is... I was pretty shocked. I'm sure that I broke it down."

"But you couldn't break it down, right? After all it's right here."

Both Allen and Tyki stare at each other before Road speaks up.

"Oh? Have you gotten interested in the Innocence now, Tyki?" She asks.

Just a little bit." Tyki answers. "So anyways, boy, is it because of that left arm that you're alive even though Teez ate through your heart?"

"Your heart...!?" Lavi exclaims.

"Allen-kun!" Leenalee calls.

"Hey, I didn't hear about this this, Allen! You took that kind of injury!?"

"Even though I kept quiet about it..." Allen thought.

"A part of my Innocence became a part of my heart. There's no problem at all." He reassures.

"Allen too...!?" Lavi thought and remembers Bookman's words on Anita's ship.

"The Innocence saves its conformer; this is an 'exception'!"

"For real...? It wasn't just Leenalee...! Allen was saved by his Innocence too." Lavi continues. "There are two 'exceptions'! 'Leenalee Lee' and 'Allen Walker'. Leenalee's 'exception equaling 'the possibility of being the heart' might've been too easy! The 'Heart' is found withing one. Is there a different meaning within these two's 'exceptions'?"

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