Chapter 39: Japan

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Japan; at the bay near the stairs

The Exorcists, Chomesuke, and the survived crew reached Japan and they all (except for Chomesuke) wearing cloaks.

"We're here." Chomesuke announces.

"This is..." Lavi says.

"Welcome to Japan." Chomesuke adds.

Then they all start climbing the stairs and follow Chomesuke in its human disguise. Chomesuke is now a beautiful woman with red hair, red eyes and a pink kimono.

"For about 300 years, Japan has existed in the East end as a closed country, refusing to trade or make any connections." Bookman explains. "Nobody could go in and nobody could come out. Come to think of it, this is a great hiding place. Could it be that the Earl was behind the national seclusion?"

"Yup." Chomesuke says. "The Earl was sending his Akuma machines out to the world from Japan-cho. 90% of population in Japan consists of Akuma and the Earl governs every aspects of this country-cho.

"For 300 years..." Leenalee says.

"This must have been a paradise for the Earl and his Akumas." Chaozi says.

"There is no safe place for humans in this country-cho... Although the same could be same for Akumas as well.

"What do you mean, Chome?" Lavi asks.

"Chomesuke then notices a woman is standing in front of them.

"Someone's there!" Chomesuke says.

"Sachiko..." The woman says.

"Kawamura!" Chomesuke calls.

"Who's 'Sachiko'?" Lavi asks.

"It's my name for this disguise-cho." Chomesuke says. "That's my comrade 'Kawamura'. He's an Akuma that was converted my Marian too-cho.

When Chomesuke reaches Kawamura, Chomesuke puts her hands on Kawamura's shoulders.

"You came to pick us up, Kawamura?" Chomesuke asks. "Thanks so much-cho. I'm about to reach my limit..."

Chomesuke then notices Kawamura is acting strange.


Suddenly, Kawamura's neck snaps and web appears behind her and changes into her Akuma form. Chomesuke quickly steps back.

"Chomesuke?!" Lavi calls.

"HIDE EVERYONE!" Chomesuke exclaims as she rushes back to them.

"Huh?" Lavi says as they are being push by Chomesuke to hide.

"The Akuma are coming! Hurry!"

Then they see three Level 3 Akumas walking towards Kawamura.

"Level 3...?!" Lavi whispers.

"And three of them." Krory adds.

"D-don't breath. They'll notice!" Chomesuke whispers. "E-erase your presence as much as you can-cho!"

"Hey, what's going on?" Lavi asks. "What happened to that Kawamura...?"

"Kawamura came to pick you guys up. But he was caught by those Level 3 Akumas. It's too late already-cho."

The three Akumas are in front of her.

"Caught?" Lavi says. "Why would that happen between Akumas...?"

Then the Akumas open their mouths and bite down Kawamura.

"It's to eat him-cho..." Chomesuke explains. "These kind of things happen if the population of Akumas in a high area is too high-cho. To satisfy their desire to kill humans, they kill each other Akumas and absorb their abilities. I'm only Level 2 so I'm no match for them... In Japan, it doesn't matter if you are an Akuma of human... only the strongest manage to survive-cho."

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