Chapter 56: Birth of Level Four

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Black Order; the lab

Alice continues slashing the Akumas as she protects Reever and the others. Then an Akuma appears behind her and about to attack her before Allen kicks it away as Timcanpy follows him.

"Allen!" Reever exclaims and Allen slices the Akuma in half.

"As usual, our Master came at a flashy entrance." Alike says as she slices the Akumas.

"That's the kind of person Master is." Allen says.

Allen and Alice continues to annihilate the army with the help of the four Generals as Marie and Miranda protects the 'Egg'. Once they destroy the army and the giant Akumas, the poison gas raises from the Akumas' corpses.

"Command center, do you copy? This is Marie in Lab 5. All the Akuma activity has been stopped." Marie reports.

"Con the wireless get through?" Miranda asks.

"It's the newest model developed by Branch Chief Bak. It can even withstand the strong magnetic field of the Ark, so it should work. Maybe..." Marie trails off. "This is Lab 5, Command center, do you copy?"

"This is command center. Don't worry, we can hear you. Report on the current status inside." Komui says.

"There are ten scientists of the science division heavily injured."

"Are you all right?" Allen asks.

"I can't see a thing..."

"Press this against your nose and mouth. The gas is poisonous to our bodies." Alice says as she gives a cloth to a scientist.

"The Akuma wreckage is emitting a large amount of gas. Both our sight and hearing are badly affected." Marie continues.

"Turn on the ventilation in there right away. How's the enemy's Ark?" Komui asks.

"At this time, there are no indications of either Ark closing up."

Just then, Allen's Cursed Eye activates and he looks around.

"Although, my left eye has been weakened. There's a reaction...? There's still an Akuma alive here, but where...? It's too weak for me to tell." Allen thought.

"Allen..." Alice calls. "Can you tell?"

"No. What about you, Alice?" Allen asks.

"Just a little bit, but I have a bad feeling about this Akuma."

"A bad feeling?"

"I can't put into words, but it's really a bad feeling."

"...Reever-san, all of you should retreat to higher ground, out of reach of the gas."

"No... I'm fine. The rest of you, head upstairs." Reever says.


"Reever-san?" Allen calls.

"Some of my guy they altered were being taken to the gate inside. They... may still be there. I must stop them." Reever says.


The Generals, Miranda, and Marie are at the Plant 'Egg' as Cross talks to Komui over the communication.

"Miranda is going to terminate her invocation in just a moment, and the stopped time of the 'Egg' within that interval?" Komui asks.

"This thing is the soul of Dark Matter. The ones who can destroy it in one strike are myself, Klaud, and Socalo. But even so, I can't guarantee it'll work." Cross says.

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