Chapter 46: Debt

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Inside the Ark; Second room

"Blue Bomb loaded!" Jasdevi says as they load their gun and points them at Allen. "Let's go. Cross' student!"

They fire at Allen as he runs away from the shots. He then notices the places where they shot start to freeze up.

"The places that got shot are freezing!?" Allen thought. "Every Noah has a unique ability. Maybe their ability is to freeze things!?"

"Loading Red Bomb! "Blazing Red Planet'!" Jasdevi exclaims and they fire a giant fire ball at Allen.

"...Wrong!" Allen sticks his left arm out and an oval that has a cross appears.

"Cross Grave!" Allen shouts and the fire ball hits the cross.

"Not yet!" Devit says and another fire ball appears through the smoke.

"Another one!" Allen exclaims.

Lavi and Krory get in front of Allen.

"You bastards, don't you only aim—" Lavi starts. "AT ALLEN!" Both him and Krory hit the fire ball back at Jasdevi.

"Home run!" Lavi and Krory say.

"Don't ignore us!" Lavi adds.

"Thanks." Allen says.

"Wah! They returned it!" Devit exclaims.

"It's coming this way, hee!" Jasdero says.

"White Bomb!" Jasdevi says as they point their guns at the fire ball, causing the fire ball to disappear.

"It's gone...?" Allen says.

"Eh? Where did that fire ball go!?" Lavi asks.

Far away, Alice is standing in front of Chaoji, Leenlee, and Lero.

"H... How did they do that!?" Chaoji asks.

"I don't know... They look like regular guns to me..." Leenalee says. "Are they some kind of devices...?"

"I think it's more than that..." Allen states.

Alice, Leenalee, and Chaoji then hear Lero Laughing out of nowhere.

"He's laughing..." Leenalee points out.

"I'm getting pissed!" Chaoji exclaims and Lero suddenly gasps.

"Wait, Jasdevi-tama! What about the order to capture Cross that Earl-tama gave you- lero!" Lero asks and Jasdevi shoot at him. "HEEE!"

"Who are you running to, idiot!?" Devit questions. "Wanna be an umbrella full of holes?"

"We look for Cross all over Edo and he was nowhere to be found! You damned rattled umbrella!" Jasdero adds.

Allen and Alice widen their eyes from the news.

"Master, where on earth are you!?" Allen and Alice thought.

"The Millennium Count said that maybe that bastard Cross' aim was the Ark." Devit says.

"So we bet that he is going to show up here where we'll be waiting for him!" Jasdero adds.

"But that's all right! Until then we'll kill time with his student!" They exclaims as they point at Allen. "And while we're at it. We'll make him repay the debts that guys left to us!"

Allen then turns while from Jasdevi's statement.

"De..." Krory trails off.

"Debt...?" Lavi finishes.

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