Chapter 35: Title

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On Anita's ship

In the shower room, Leenalee took a shower and starts changing into her new Exorcist uniform. Leenalee gets out of the shower room and closes the door before she walks away.

In the Captain's (Anita's) room

Anita is looking at the map to look at the course that they are going.

"We've made it halfway there in good time." Anita says. "The weather isn't even that bad. If this keeps up, we'll reach Edo in two days. If we continue on this course..."

Anita then hears the door knocking.

"Yes? Who is it?" Anita asks.

The door opens and Leenalee goes walks into the room with Timcanpy flying next to her.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you so late at night." Leenalee apologizes. "But, umm..."

Leenalee touches her hair.

"Could I borrow... a hair-tie from you?" Leenalee asks.


Anita clips the hair-tie onto Leenalee's hair and starts combing it.

"These are a memento of my mother. And they come in a pair. How do you like it?" Anita asks.

"Eh? Oh no, I just couldn't use such an important...!?" Leenalee refuses.

"It's all right." Anita reassures. "She promised me that I would inherit them once I turn 18..." Anita explains. "But before then, she was killed by an Akuma. I couldn't bring myself to wear them ever since."

"Anita-san, your mother was a supporter of the Order as well. wasn't she...?" Leenalee asks.

"Yes." Anita answers. "She fell in love at first sight with General Cross and became a supporter. Pretty simple-minded isn't she?"

"I-is that so..."

"I shouldn't talk about others though. I'm the same helping the Order because I want to do something for that man."

Leenalee becomes silent.

"Do you believe that General Cross is still alive...?" Leenalee asks.

"... Yes, I do." Anita answers. "Because that is... the only source of strength right now."

On the deck of the boat

Lavi is leaning on the rails looking up at the card that he picked up at the bamboo thicket. Lavi then remembers Bookman's words.

"Don't be taken in the war. You are the successor of 'Bookman', and nothing else. Haven't I taught you to be nothing more than an onlooker, regardless of the situation?"

"We're not their allies..." Lavi recites.

"We are only the Order's side 'by chance'."

"We're only involved..." Lavi continues. "In order record history."

Lavi then rests his head on his arms.

"A Bookman... has no need for a heart." Lavi finishes.

Without Lavi knowing, the Level 3 Akuma lands on the ship behind Lavi.

In the cabin

Miranda suddenly stands up from the chair she was sitting.

"Ah...!" Miranda says.

"W-what is wrong, Miranda?" Krory asks.

"Just now..." Miranda begins. "There are continuous rounds of Recovery occurring somewhere in this ship." Miranda explains. "It's on the deck...? WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!"

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