Chapter 32: The Destroyer of Time

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At Anita's boat

Miranda gets off the ship and looks at the Exorcists, Anita, and Mahoja.

"Everyone, please get back." Miranda says.

Miranda looks at the ship and closes her eyes and exhales nervously.

"Calm down." Miranda thought.

She puts down her suitcase and moves her right hand to her left shoulder where a disk is sitting.

"I created this from my abandoned clock." Miranda thought as she touches the disk. "My Anti-Akuma Weapon..."

Miranda then spins the disk and it goes down to her hand.

"Time Record, Innocence Activate! Encircle the target, ready!" Miranda says and the ship is surrounded by two rings. "While my Innocence is invoked, I will be able to reverse everything lost back to its proper order. Recovery!"

A giant clock face appears above the ship and the hands are going reverse as the ship slowly repairs itself. Once the ship is repaired, the clock stops going backwards until the hands reach to 12 o'clock. Miranda sighs in relief.

"Thank goodness. It worked..." Miranda thought.

Miranda then turns her head and sees the Exorcists, except Leenalee, Anita, and Mahoja are in shock as Won gives Miranda a thumbs up.

"Ah... um... huh?" Miranda says.

"What is this? M-maybe they didn't want their ship repaired?" Miranda thought. "I'm only a newcomer, and I rudely butted in without asking them!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry~!" Miranda apologizes and she suddenly jumps into the sea.

"Ah, Miranda jumped into the sea..." Krory points out.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Won asks.

"Leave me here, just leave me here to die–!" Miranda yells as she drowns into the sea.

"Ah crap! She's drowning!" Lavi says.

"Go Lavi." Bookman orders.

"EH!?" Lavi shouts.


After the Exorcists, including Miranda, and the crew get onto the boat, the boat whistles.

"SET SAIL!" Mahoja orders the crew.

In the cabin

"These are from Komui?" Lavi asks as he looks at his new Exorcist uniform.

"They are your new uniforms..." Miranda explains. "He asks me to bring them to you since your old ones were almost destroyed."

"It's really light and easy to move in." Lavi says as he jumps up and down.

"He said they were also very durable. I hope that it'll be able to protect you all even for a little bit." Miranda says.

Miranda then looks at Leenalee who is sitting on the stairs with Timcanpy flying next to her.

"Leenalee-chan..." Miranda calls.

"She's still trying to sort herself out." Bookman say and Miranda looks at him. "Miss Leena is fully regretting leaving Allen's and Alice's side last night. She is condemning herself."

Lavi then grits his teeth.

~Meanwhile; on the deck~

"Exorcists really are incredible people." Anita says as she and Mahoja look at the clock. "I understand now why they're known as God's Apostles."

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