Chapter 25: Vampire of the Castle 5

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In the cage of the man-eating plants

"GYAA!" Lavi screams as one of Krory's plants bites Lavi's leg. "OUCH! DAMN IT, I CAN'T SEE KURO-CHAN! I DROPPED MY HAMMER SOMEWHERE TOO!"

"What's happening over there!?" Allen asks as he tries to find both Krory and Akuma Eliade, but fails since the huge plants are blocking the view.

"They're making a lot of sounds..." Alice says as she looks around.

Fighting...?" Lavi assumes, but before he could get another word out; Krory's plants suddenly engulf Lavi. Both Allen's and Alice's eyes widen with their mouths drop.

"UWGYA―!" Lavi screams as he punches the plants inside, trying to get out.

"Allen, did you take care of a plant like this when we were younger...?" Alice asks Allen looks at her then at the plant (that ate Lavi) and something clicks in his mind.

"LAVI-! CALM DOWN AND DO AS I SAY!" Allen shouts.


"Alice reminded me of something! When I was with the Master, I took care of the same type of flowers!" Allen says, recalling that memory.


"Yes. So listen already! These flowers won't bite humans who are kind to them. So put your heart into it and show these flowers some love and affection."

"GOT IT!" Lavi says. "I LOVE YOU-!"

Outside the cage of the man-eating flowers

Krory and Akuma Eliade are still fighting and with Krory's speed, it allows him to land several successive blows to Akuma Eliade.

"UGH!" Akuma Eliade groans, but summoning several bubbles. Krory backs away quickly, distancing himself from the bubbles and Akuma Eliade. "Heh heh." Akuma Eliade chuckles. "Sharp senses. You were right to back away. These balls are my special ability." Akuma Eliade says.

"Special ability?" Krory says.

"LET SEE IF YOU CAN DODGE THEM!" Akuma Eliade throws several bubbles at him, one misses and hits one of the flowers, instead, and making it wither.

"The flower withered!?" Krory thought as he focuses on the flower.

"HERE, HAVE SOME MORE!" Akuma Eliade them throws more bubbles encapsulates his arm and bursts, leaving Krory's arm drains.

"UGH!" Krory grunts. "YOU..." He adds, but notices something.

"Is this water!?" Krory thought as he smiles, figuring something out.

"I see..." He mumbles as he stops dodging and stands on a crooked rail. "So these balls evaporate and trap all the water from a solid body? Such idiocy! Eliade. The punishment for damaging Grandpa's flowers is severe."

"Hmph. Even when the Innocence makes you high, you remain a narrow-minded fool! You social recluse! You don't actually give a damn about these things, do you!?" Akuma Eliade says. "PLACING ALL THE BLAME ON YOUR GRANDFATHER FOR NOT BEING ABLE TO GO OUT INTO THE WORLD... YOU'RE JUST AFRAID YOU COULD GET HURT OUTSIDE THE CASTLE! BUA-KA!COWARD! ROTTING AWAY IN THIS CASTLE SUITS YOU JUST FINE!"

"Aah..." Krory sighs. "I thought that if I was with you, I wouldn't mind spending my life that way. Eliade, I don't want to see you like this."

"Even though you're an Akuma, I still love you, Eliade. If I was with you..." Krory thought.

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