Chapter 33: The Way of an Oath

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Black Order: Asia Branch

Won is running through the hallways to Allen's room in a hurry and carrying a tray that has bandages and medicines.

"Oh no, oh no! If I don't change Walker-kun's bandages, Bak-sama will skin me alive!" Won says while running.

At the background, three scientists are watching Won running up the stairs. They are Rkei, Shifu, and Roufa.

"Ah, it's Won-san." Rikei says. "Where's he running off to?"

"Oh, he must be nursing that Exorcist. I've heard he has serious injuries along with another Exorcist." Rikei informs.

"Aah, that! I've heard about them too. They're only 15-years-old..." Roufa says. "I don't know about this 'God's Apostles' business... but God is really cruel to let a two children go to war."

Allen's room (temporary)

Allen sits up and looks at his bandaged hand. Allen also bandages wrapped around his chest to the stomach and a sash that covers the remains of his left arm.

"Why am I alive?" Allen thought. "That time... I should have been killed by the Noah. Blood was spilling from my heart... I'm sure I felt the sensation of death washing over me."

Allen remembers when Tyki let Teez to make a hole in his heart and Allen slowly dying.

"The sensation of trying to escape... but never be able to. I'm sure I felt that. That's... 'death'."

Tears appear on Allen's eyes and start to stream down.

"That was 'death'."

Allen starts to tremble and cries.

"... Uuh..." Allen cries.

Allen then buries his right hand and continues to cry.

"Why am I crying? Am I happy to be alive? Or am I regretting it?" Allen asks himself. "I don't know why... I don't know why. I just can't stop shaking... Mana..."

When Won gets to Allen's room, he sees Allen had disappeared and Fou is rubbing her head.

"Sorry Won." Fou apologizes. "I nodded off and that white-haired guy went somewhere. I thought he wouldn't be able to move with that body... I was careless."

Won suddenly drops the tray and runs off to look for Allen.

"Walker-kun...! In your condition...!" Won says. "WALKER-KUN~~!"

While Won is finding Allen, Allen is standing in front of a gate and he is about to reach it until he hears Bak's voice.

"No matter how hard you push that door, it won't open." Bak says.

Allen turns and sees Bak sitting on the pillar.

"... Why won't it open?" Allen asks.

"The guardian deity for this place is behind that door... which my great-grandfather sealed from the inside." Bak explains. "Is there something you want here?"

"Not really..." Allen answers. "I was just walking, and found myself here..."

Allen touches the door and looks back at the gate.

"Is there any way... I can open this door...?"

"Instead of trying to open it, why not go back?" Bak counters. "What will you do if you could get through?"

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