Chapter 18: Uniform

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In the hospital

After Allen read the message from Miranda, he sees that Miranda has mentioned Alice's name. He turns to Komui.

"Komui, where's Alice!?" Allen asks. Komui smiles and looks over to Lavi.

"Lavi, can you go get Alice?" Komui asks and Lavi disappears and when he comes back, he starts to drool.

"L-Lavi?" Allen calls as he sees Lavi love struck.

Alice comes into the room.

"Lavi would you please stop looking at me?" Alice says as she shivers.

"STRIKE!" Lavi shouts and he pounces, but is slam down onto the floor.

Behind him is an old man with only a patch of hair on his head that stands up to make the shape of a question mark, and dark black circles of make up around his eyes. Lavi stands up rubbing his face.

"Jeez, Gramps. You didn't have to slam me that hard to the floor." Lavi complains as he is still looking at Alice.

Alice walks over to Allen. Alice is fully healed completely because Lavi and the old man had found her just before Allen and Leenalee were brought to the hospital.

"Alice," Komui calls. "Could you please explain to us what happened to day you were knocked out with Miranda? We need a report since you were the only Exorcist there." Alice nods.

"After Allen and Leenalee went to go catch the pick-pocket, I stayed with Miranda. Road approached Miranda and asked if Miranda's Innocence was her clock. I didn't feel her presence so I was caught off guard and was knocked out. The time while I was unconscious, I don't know what happened after that." Alice tells Komui and he nods as he leaves the room. She faces Allen. "I just woke up an hour ago... I'm so glad that you and Leenalee are safe." Alice smiles.

"Just what happened to you when you were kidnapped?" Allen asks.

"Oh! I can tell you that." Lavi speaks. "Gramps and I were told to report to this hospital after finishing our mission. While heading here, we saw Level Two Akuma with Alice in its hands, but we didn't know it was a human. I defeated the Akuma and caught Alice. She was hut really badly and looked as if she was going to die any second..." Lavi points at the old man with a smile. "It's a good thing that Gramps was there with me to treat her first. Then, after treating her we continued heading to this hospital and she was treated immediately." Lavi finishes. Allen looks at Alice.

"Are your wounds healed?" Allen asks. Alice shakes her head.

"No... My arms were pierced, so probably a few days later it'll completely heal."

"That's a relief..." Allen sighs.

Then the old man clears his throat.

"Alice, would you stand next to Lavi for a few second? I need to check on Allen Walker's left eye." The old man says.

Alice nods and she walks over next to Lavi. Alice starts to inch away from Lavi as he inch closer to her. Allen sits at the edge of the bed and takes the bandage off his eye. The old man lays out a scroll of needles and he looks at the left eye with a bit of surprise in his face.

"This is strange." The old man remarks. "Your crushed left eye is starting to regenerate."

He puts down one of his acupuncture needles.

"You won't able to see anything for a while. But at this rate, it'll be back to normal in 3 of 4 days. My needles aren't necessary." The old man looks at Allen's eye again. "It seems to be... cursed." Allen puts the bandage back on his left eye.

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