Chapter 41: Crown Clown

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Black Order: Asia Branch; Northern District

While floating on the water, Fou reverts back to her original form and the Akuma looks down at her.

"Haha." It laughs. "This explains a lot."

Fou looks up at Allen.

"Wa-... lker..." Fou mutters.

"Fou..." Allen calls. "Bak-san was crying."

Fou then looks at Alice.

"You took... your time to wake up..."

"I know." Alice says.

Then the Akuma looks at both of them.

"Well?" It asks. "Are you two strong?"

Allen doesn't answers and looks at the soul that is trapped inside of the Akuma.

"... Se love..." The Akuma soul mutters. "Please love me! Stop him— stop this thing. I'm right here. HELP ME! You can see me, right? You can hear me, right? Even though I've turned into this form— Please love me! PLEASE LOVE ME! You exist for out sake, don't you?!"

Allen smiles. "Yes."

"Allen!" Alice calls. "He's coming!"

The Akuma charges at the two and destroys the rubble that Allen and Alice were standing before the both of them jumps away.

"My Dark Matter is still breaking you down to bits. Don't make me laugh!"

Then blades that are made up of Dark Matter appears on his hand and tries to stab Allen repetitively but Allen dodges each attack.

"Disappear, little boy!" It exclaims.

"Allen is not your only opponent!" Alice tells the Akuma and splits Silver into twin blades before she begins to slash at the Akuma. Then Bak enters the room.

"Walker!" Bak calls.

"I knew he couldn't activate yet..." Bak thought.

Bak then sees Fou floating on the water.


Bak jumps over the ledge and starts running towards Fou.

"I will fight for the Akuma, and live for the Akuma." Allen thought. "That alone is the purpose of my existence."

"FOU!" Bak calls again.

Allen sees Bak running towards Fou and hugs her.

"That should have been the road I had decided to walk on." Allen continues. "And yet... And yet, I..."

When Allen lands on the pillar, his body starts to crumble. Alice sees this and widens her eyes.

"Allen!" Alice shouts.

"What a fool..." It says. "You thought you could fight with that body?"

Just about when the Akuma strikes Allen, Alice jumps in front of it and blocks the strike. However the strike is too powerful and sends Alice to one on the rubble, making her to deactivate Silver, and strikes Allen.

"WALKER!" Bak shouts.

Allen lands in the water as the Dark Matter blades touch Allen and he starts to screams from pain and crumbles.

"Stop that, you bastard!" Bak and opens his hand.

"Guardian deity." Bak thought.

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