Chapter 57: Leenalee's New Invocation

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Black Order Headquarter; the lab

The Level Four suddenly scream out causing everyone in the lab to cover their ears.

"GUA—H!" Bak shouts in pain.

"What is this...?" Bookman questions.

"A—GH!" Marie shouts in pain. "What a scream... My ears... they're going to break... A—GH!"

"A—H... Stop it... my head...!"

"NGH... This noise... it's throwing off my sense of balance..." Socalo says. "Can't stand..."

"Ngh... Screamin' its head off like that..." Cross says and puts two fingers close to the ground. "On... Gataru!" The Grave of Maria rises up from Cross' shadow and activate it. "This shouldn't affect a corpse like you, right, Maria..." Cross asks. "Use Carte Garte to move my body...!"

Then a large explosion occurs causing the surrounding area caught up as well as the Generals as a gust of wind blows.

"WA—!" Alice shouts as she covers Allen as a large pipe comes towards them. However, before the pipe could hit them, Link stands in front of them as a blade comes out from his sleeve and cutting the pipe in half.

"Ugh..." Link grunts.

"Li... nk?" Allen manage to call.

"What are you...?" Alice asks.

"We cannot... allow you to die at the present time..." Link says.

Then the three turn their eyes to the result of the explosion.

"Wha... what...?!" Link says as they see a large crater, leaving the Level Four floating above it.

"Everyone from the Science Department...? Bookman... Marie? Miranda-san...?! Master?!" Allen calls out.

"They fell...? No... The Generals couldn't have..."

They then see the Akuma flying towards the Skull. However, instead of getting out of the barrier, the Akuma kills them, including the transformed Tepp.

"Ahah... Oh, I'm sorry. I'm just little excited right now." The Akuma says. "If I go further in, I'll find more humans, now won't I...?"

"STOP IT!" Allen and Alice shout. Then the Akuma breaks the portal and starts to go to the other members of the Black Order.

"...To stop it... Have to stop it... Have to stop it..." Alice repeats as blue aura surrounds her.

"Alice Lakefield?" Link calls and Alice slowly stands up.

"Alice?" Allen calls.

"That's right... I have to stop him..." Alice trails off and water appears around her. "With my 'power'."

The water becomes a platform as Alice stands on it before the platform flies away along with Alice.

"Wait! Alice!" Alice shouts as Alice flies away to stop the Akuma and Allen tries to stands up.

"What are you doing?" Link asks.

I have to follow Alice." Allen says.

"With those injuries?"


Alice continues to go after the Akuma as she feels its presence. She them recognizes the path where she is going.

"Doesn't this lead to Hevlaska?" Alice says and dives to the hole where Hevlaska is. She then sees the Akuma chasing after Komui, Kanda, and two finders. It them shoots a beam at the platform in front of him causing it to crash land on the ground as Lavi runs up to them.

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