Chapter 28: The Fallen Exorcist

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On the boat

Allen, who stands atop the main topmast of—Black Order supporters—Anita's ship, watches in horror as countless Akuma flying toward them. Then, Allen looks down at the screw and begins to alert them.


Everyone faces the direction in where the Akuma are swarming from and their eyes widen.

"SO MANY!" Anita exclaims.


"UUUH," Krory groans in pain as his teeth begins to sharpen. "My teeth ache..."

"INNOCENCE ACTIVATE!" The Exorcists says.

They quickly prepare for battle, a few Akuma getting destroyed as it comes into reach, but the group stops when those who survive fly past them.

"What...?" Allen asks as he watches the swarm.

"What are they doing?" Lavi asks. "They're passing over the ship...!?"

"Why?" Alice says as she looks around in confusion.

"UHG!" Allen grunts as he is snatched up by an Akuma.

Alice turns around and her eyes widen.

"Allen!" She calls.

In the sky

"Well, look what we have here!" Wasp (Akuma) exclaims in ecstatically. "It's an Exorcist! I figured as mush from all the black he's wearing."

"Really! You got good eyes!" No eyes (Akuma) remarks. "Is isn't our job to catch him! Throw him aside!"

Wasps chuckles.

"Don't be so harsh. Maybe you envy my chance to kill this guy?"

"Let me take his right side!" No eyes shout as it realizes why Wasp caught him.

"No way!" Wasps refuse.

Wasp and No eyes begins to squabble about who gets to kill Allen.

On the boat

Lavi notices that Allen has been caught.

"ALLEN!" Lavi shouts, then commands Iron Hammer to grow.

"AAAAH!" Butterfly (Akuma) appears behind Lavi. "ANOTHER EXORCIST IS HERE!"

"What is it?" Bee (Akuma) asks as itself, and some other Akuma, surrounds Lavi.

"OH, AWESOME!" Mask (Akuma) says in excitement. It then looks down at the boat, finding Anita—who quickly looks at Mask in surprise. "There's a human here!"

Mask dives down for Anita, but she fends off Mask with a talisman.

"Don't underestimate me!" Anita says.

"YOU BASTA―RD!" Mask shouts in anger as it charges at the talisman's barrier. "THAT SEAL COULD ONLY STOP A LEVEL TWO!"

"AND IT ALSO LEAVES YOU OPEN FROM THE BACK!" Creepy Baby (Akuma) adds as it appears a few feet behind Anita.

Barely making it, Mahoja saves Anita by kicking Creepy Baby away. The burly woman stands behind her Mistress, alert for any more Akuma and exhales loudly.

"I won't let you touch the Mistress." Mahoja says as she gets into a combat-like stance.

Both Anita and Mahija prepares to try to stave off the attacks from Mask and Creepy Baby. Suddenly Anita's talisman barrier breaks.

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