Chapter 26: Three Men and a Child

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At the Black Order Headquarters; In the Science Division

Komui is on the phone talking to Lavi, who is reporting what happened before they depart to meet up with Leenalee, Bookman, and Timcampy.

"... Yeah," Komui says. "That's an unexpected acquisition, isn't it?"

"What should we do? Should Allen and I bring him to the church?" Lavi asks.

"No, it's okay. It looks like Kuro-chan could provide some readily accessible firepower. You guys take him with you to catch up with General Cross." Komui says as his subordinates line up beside his desk with a stack of paper - that needed to signed - in their hands. "I don't want to spread out our forces too much right now." He adds.


At the train station

Lavi leans on the wall as the golem flies in front of him; its tail is connecting to the phone.

"Also..." Komui says.


"That left eye of Allen's might have stuck a nerve with the Earl." Komui warns. "It may bring forth great misfortune."

~Where Allen is~

Allen stares at the train's window, examining his left eye through the reflection of the glass.

"It has become more concentrated. It's really just like an Akuma." Allen notes and closes his eyes, then activates Cursed Eye Level 2. "If it's within about 300 mile radius, then... even with obstacles, it can scan for the existence of Akuma. My left eye can be controlled by my will." Allen determined after activating Cursed Eye. "In addition, if it seizes the form of an Akuma, it can force that soul out into its real form. This left eye has 'evolved', just like an Akuma."

~Where Lavi is~

"Komui," Lavi speaks as he watches the golem flying in front of him. "You see... I thought that Allen's left eye was a pretty handy thing. But actually, when I saw the raw soul of that Akuma, I could honestly say I wouldn't wanna have that eye. It was pretty tough. I felt so sick I didn't feel like eating for a while. The world as he sees it is Hell."

"LAVI!" Allen calls from the train entrance.

Lavi looks around the corner and sees Allen waving with Alice standing right behind him.

"THE TRAIN IS LEAVING!" Lavi eyes widen as he faces the golem again.

"CRAP! LATER KOMUI!" He shouts and hangs up.

At the Black Order Headquarters; In the Science Division
~On the other end of the call~

Komui says silent as he listens to the call beeping, indicating that the call has been ended. In his mind, he's reflecting on what Lavi just told him. He suddenly picks up his pen and starts scribbling on the stack of papers in front of him, pretending to be working while his subordinates line up to give him his work.

"I see, I see... Ehhhh- is that so." Komui says, talking to no one. "Yes, I see."

"Supervisor! Don't stay on the phone just so you can skip work!" Reever says. "It's totally obvious!"

"There's gonna be more work..." Johnny says tiredly.

"SIGN HERE PLEEEEASE!" Komui subordinates say in unison.

~In Alice's dream~

"I can't hear anything. What is this place? A black sea..." Alice thought.

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