Chapter 15: Human

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In a parallel dimension

Road has created a parallel dimension. She sits on a levitated chair while wearing Allen's coat. A normal cane umbrella with the addition of a small, talking jack-o-lantern on the tip that acts as its head floating beside Road's chair (a golem created by the Earl).

"You can't, Road-tama!" The golem says. "Bad, bad! The Earl is not going to be pleased if you skip school to do whatever you want."

"Shut up. Be quiet, umbrella." Read says annoyed.

"Um... please..." Miranda says.

Her hands are pinning onto her clock my Road's spiked candles (Candle).

"Let me go..." Miranda pleads.

"If you die, I'll let you go." Road says. She then looks over on the floor beside her. Alice is unconscious and her body is cover in blood and scratches from Road's candles.

In the sewers

Witch is attacking Leenalee and Allen.

"Fire Ice!" Witch says and froze the place. Allen slips.

"WHOAAAH!?" He shouts.

"EVERYTHING'S FROZEN!" Leenalee says. Allen hugs himself.

"CO–COLD!" He shivers.

"Allen," Leenalee says facing him. "Where's your coat?"

"I left it back where we worked..."

"...Let's go, Exorcists." Witch says. Pumpkin and Scissor appear.

"Let's see how long you'll last in this -100°C temperature." Pumpkin says.

"DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!" The three Akuma chant.

"Miranda. Alice..." Allen thought as he remembers what Witch told them of 'Road capturing Miranda. "Damn it, I have to concentrate on attacking the Akuma and nothing else." Cross changes into its gun-type form.

"Pitiful Akuma, I will save your souls." Allen says.

Allen goes for an attack on Witch and Scissor covering it. Scissor aims at Allen, but Leenalee blocks the attack with Dark Boots.

"Come fight me!" Leenalee says to Scissors.

"Convert!" Allen thought and Cross turns into arm-type.

"CROSS GRAVE!" Allen said and attacks Witch and Pumpkin.

"THAT HURTS... DAMN IT!" Pumpkin says. "VOICE OF PAIN!"

Pumpkin's attack cracks the ice and Allen jumps up.

"FREEZE!" Witch says and the ice freezes Allen's legs.

"A much more coordinated attack than before...!" Allen thought as he widens his eyes.

"ICE FIRE!" Witch said and attacking Allen.

Allen is knocks out from the attack.

"ALLEN!" Leenalee shouts. Behind her the three Akuma prepares to attack Leenalee.

In Road's parallel dimension

Allen opens his eyes.

"Where am I...?" Allen thought. In front of him, he sees a person, Scissor, and Witch with their backs facing to Allen.

"Al...len." Miranda calls.

Allen looks over to where Miranda is and sees that she is pinned to the clock. "Allen..."

Allen's eyes are fully open.

"Miranda..." He calls. "OW!"

He looks at Cross and sees that it is pin to the wall. He also sees Pumpkin grinning at him.

"Yes, black definitely looks good on you..." Road says.

"Road-sama, why are you making her look pretty?" Scissor asks

"Weapons like you guys wouldn't understand..." Road answers. "An Exorcist doll is a rarity, you know."

Allen's eyes widen as he sees Leenalee in a Gothic dress and she wasn't moving. Road turns around.

"You're awake~" Road says.

"LEENALEE!" Allen shouts as he realizes it was Leenalee.

"You better watch what you say," Witch tells Allen. "It's Road-sama's doll now."

"So you're called 'Leenalee'..." Road says as she hugs Leenalee. "Such a cute name!"

"She fought desperately to protect you." Pumpkin tells Allen.

"...Ugh." Allen groans. He then realizes Road's face. "You cane to buy a ticket earlier...! You're 'Road'...?" Road grins. "Why are you with the Akuma...?"

"I don't see the soul of an Akuma." Allen thought looking at Road.

"You are not an Akuma..." Allen says. "What are you?"

"I'm human." she replies. "What's with that face? Human can't be friends with Akuma?"

"Akuma... are weapons made by the Earl to kill humans... they target humans..."

"Weapons can be used by humans to kill other humans, right?" Road says. "The Millennium Count is my brother. We are the chosen ones."

Then Road's skin turns darker and across her forehead is a line of black, cross-like markings, called stigma. Her eye color change and it is now amber.

"You Exorcists don't know a thing, don't you?" Road asks. "You are the Chosen Ones of a False God." She licks her thumb. "We are the True Apostle chosen by God. Noah's Family."

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