Chapter 30: Delete

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In the forest

Suman's body explodes bloodily from the waist up and Allen's eyes widens in shock.

"Suman...?" Allen calls as he stares down at Suman's bloody remains, then turns around when he feels a presence behind him. He sees a tall, hatted man who only smiles when their eyes meet. "N... Noah...!?"

"Come, 'Teez'." Tyki commands and Allen can only watch in continued shock as countless butterflies begin to come out of Suman's blood.

The purple and black butterflies with playing cards suits adorning their wings begin to swarm around Allen.

"They came from inside... Suman's body..." Allen says. "What are they...!?"

Then, Tyki orders them to return to him and the butterflies all fly towards him, disappearing into his hands. After all the Teez return to Tyki, he looks at his hand in amusement.

"Well, well... Perhaps you've gotten bigger now." Tyki remarks as a large Teez butterfly grows out of Tyki's hands.

Retaining their butterfly-like appearance, but now bears a skull in the middle of their wings have stripe pattern. He kisses one out of two before speaking.

"Bye-bye, Suman."

"You...!? What did you do...?" Allen asks.

Tyki smile disappears when he takes a closer look at Allen.

"What the!? You're... Cheating Boy A?" Tyki says, ignoring Allen's question.

"Huh?" Allen says as he stares at Tyki in confusion.

"Oh, I see. You don't recognize me as I am now." Tyki notes as he gets down to Allen's eye-level. "Actually," Tyki changes the subject. "Could you be Allen Walker?"

Allen responds my backhanding Tyki with his deadened Innocence arm.

"CUT THE CRAP!" Allen says. "What did you do to Suman...!? DID YOU KILL HIM!? ANSWER ME!"

"His hand... its Innocence." Tyki notes as he holds the cheek that was backhanded.

He then chuckles as he cheerfully responds to Allen's question.

"He was my enemy... Shouldn't I kill him? Well! Since you didn't run after seeing my power, I'll tell you about it. Oh, mind if I smoke?" Tyki pulls out a cigarette and exhales.

"Damn it... This sucks. With my body like this, I can't stand up, let alone fight." Allen thought and glances at Alice. "Alice still hasn't regained consciousness, but I doubt she's in the condition to fight... Damn it...! If only I was stronger... If I was stronger..."

"This," Tyki begins as a black and purple butterfly land on his finger. "Is a Teez. A cannibal golem created by The Millennium Earl. It's in butterfly form because of his taste. When these guys eat humans, they breed and multiply. But that's their own ability, not mine. The Teez are just a tool."

Tyki then places the cigarette between his lips and raises his hand.

"My ability... is this."

Without any warning, Tyki shoves his hand through Allen's chest which surprises the Exorcist.

"Don't worry, you won't feel any pain." Tyki reassures when he sees Allen's expression. "My body can pass through anything... except for what I want to touch. So let's say that perhaps, while I'm pulling out my hand... I think to myself that I want to touch your heart, boy. Without even making a cut on your body..." Tyki demonstrates by pulling his hand slowly back towards him, but stops when he comes into Allen's heart.

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