Chapter 40: Asia Branch Assault

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The Black Order: Asia Branch

"You damn IDIOT—!" Fou shouts as she punches Allen and he send flying straight to the pillar.

"Wa-Walker-san!" Roufa calls.

"I can't take it anymore! Cut this shit out, Walker!"

"Wait, Fou-san!" Roufa says. "He- It doesn't seem like he's not in a good condition."

"SHUT UP! I don't give a damn! Why aren't you serious when fighting me?!"

"I-I am..." Allen says.

Fou then punches Allen's head.

"I don't feel any killing intent of whatever shit you have! How the hell can this be the best you've got?!" Fou continues. "You're just scared! And the way you keep defending and never attacking is proof! You damn whip! Coward! A little beansprout like you will NEVER be able to activate your Innocence!"

Allen then snaps and Rikei is holding him back while Shifu is holding Fou back.

"Walker's snapped!" Rikei points out.

"What, you little bastard?" Fou questions. "Wanna fight?!"

"Calm down!" Shifu tells them, "This is turning into a petty brawl, not training!"

"I don't get it either...!" Allen exclaims. "I'm not in this place because I want to! I DON'T GET IT! I don't get it at all! Damn it... Damn it...!"

Allen then slumps down.

"For how long... do I have to keep staying here...?!"


Allen is sitting in the ledge with his head down and sighs heavily.

"I was so stress that I took everything out on Fou... Man, I suck." Allen thought and face-palms himself. "What kind of attitude is that against someone who's been doing so much to help me?! Maybe she won't train me anymore, after seeing how angry she got... Should I go and apologize...?"

Allen sighs again and puts his hand down.

"... But no matter how I try... It might be already too late..."

"How..." Allen starts. "How was I able to activate all this time...?"

Allen then looks at his hand.

"I can no longer remember how it even felt having that ugly arm..." Allen thought. "None of it..."

Allen lifts his head against the pillar behind him.

"Hah... It's pitch black."

Then someone taps Allen's shoulder and he turns around to see Roufa with a light under her chin.

"Wa–lker-saan~" Roufa calls, surprising Allen.

"R-Roufa-san?" Allen says. "You surprised me! What's the matter?"

"Well, I heard you say it was dark so I brought a light." Roufa explains.

"Oh, er, that's not what I meant..."

"Here you go!" Roufa passes the light to Allen.

"Th-thank you very much."

Roufa then sits next to Allen.

"Your arm..." Roufa starts. "You must feel terrible about it after all the effort you put in it, Walker-san."

"Eh? Oh, no..." Allen says. "I actually feel pretty stupid that I'm finding this difficult."

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