Chapter 38: Message and Goodbye

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On the ship

Anita is slumping down from not hearing any news from Leenalee.

"Mistress..." Mahoja calls. "It seems like Leenalee stayed out to sea and has not come back."

Anita quickly looks behind her with her eyes widen.

"LEMME GO!" Lavi shouts angrily as most of the crew are holding Lavi back. "LEMME GO!"

"You idiot! You're seriously wounded! It's dangerous if you go outside of the ship!"

"We'll get her back no matter what where she is so..."

"Why wait! I can get her back way faster!" Lavi exclaims.

Lavi then had enough of being tied down by the crew.

"Let... me..." Lavi then grabs the handle. "GO—!"

Iron Hammer starts to grow in size and Miranda stops Lavi from doing any more violence.

"Lavi-kun, stop!" Miranda exclaims and Lavi looks back.

"Miranda..." Lavi calls.

"D-don't be violent to the crew..." Miranda tells Lavi. "They were here with me on the ship!"

Lavi looks at the crew after Miranda says that.

"Please..." Miranda pleads.

"Sorry..." Lavi apologizes.

"Lavi-kun!" Miranda calls and holds his wrist. "Are you sure you have no fatal wounds?"

"Aah, that's fine. Don't worry about it." Lavi reassures.

"Y-you seem like you're bleeding, wouldn't it be better to tie that up?" Miranda suggests.

"Damn it, how can you be so calm!?" Lavi yells. "Aren't you worried about Leenalee! She's human just like you!"

Miranda gasps from Lavi reaction and Lavi realizes what he just did.

"Aren't you human as well?" Miranda asks. "Am I wrong?"

Lavi didn't answers and clenches his hand. Then he gets on the handle and shoots off to find Leenalee. Bookman watches Lavi go and looks down before Timcanpy quickly flies off in the same direction as Lavi. Bookman quickly looks up at the direction.

"Tim...?" Bookman calls.

Where Lavi is

Lavi starts to feel his injuries are coming back.

"Uh..." Lavi groans.

Then Lavi gets hit by his injuries, but he didn't stop.

"Gua... Ah..." Lavi grunts. "Leenalee... Where are you? You should be around here somewhere..." Lavi then looks down. "This is a bad joke... You're making me remember bad things..."

Lavi grits his teethes and goes even farther. Suddenly, the water in front of him goes up, causing Lavi to stop. Once the water goes down, he sees an Akuma holding a huge crystal.

"Akuma!" Lavi thought. "This is bad, like Leenalee, I'm not good fighting at sea."

The Akuma breathes out before it speaks.

"Are ya 'Junior'?" It asks.

Lavi is confused at the question.

"Huh?" Lavi says.

"Are ya Bookman's Junior?" The Akuma repeats. "M'hands are killing me-cho. Could ya help me out? Look here... I'm an Akuma, I'm really brave-cho."

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