Chapter 50: New Power

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Inside the Ark; inside the tower

Allen is leaning on the cube as he heavily breathes out and holding his injured left arm.

"What's wrong?"Tyki asks. "You can't be happy that I've broken your arm down, right?"

Allen suddenly coughs up blood and he wipes the blood from his mouth.

"Allen-kun, you can't let the Noah's power to touch you! It's isn't just your Innocence being affected. As a parasite-type, your body suffers the load too, you know!?" Leenalee reminds Allen.

Allen looks back at Leenalee and smiles at her as his blood falls off from his mouth.

"Allen-kun...?" Leenalee thought.

"Tyki Mikk." Allen calls. "There is something about us Exorcists that you don't understand... You think Exorcists are mere humans and by destroying their Anti-Akuma Weapon which is Innocence... they will become powerless since they are mere humans." He then glares at Tyki. "But opponents that you should really afraid of are those humans." The cross from Allen's left arm starts to shine." Even if the power is given to them by the Innocence, yet the one handing the power are those humans and the hearts as Exorcists." His left hand starts to heal from the light. "My heart is tied to the Innocence."

"No way." Leenalee thought. "His arm that should've been injured is..."

"Unless my body that is the vessel perishes. I will continue to exist as an Exorcist." Allen continues. "What's important to me is... to exist in this world...!"

Tyki sees his body rips apart.

"Tyki?" Road calls.

"Wha...!?" Tyki thought and looks at his hand which it is still attaches to his body.

"To put is simply," Allen's left arm becomes restored. "You can't break my Crown Clown down."

"He recovered his Anti-Akuma Weapon!?" Leenalee thought.

Then Tyki's hair falls down.

"Tyki?" Road thought.

"What was that just now...?" Tyki thought. "For a brief moment... my body felt the sensation of dying...? That impact was... me being pressed down by the Innocence's spirit? Or is it that..."

"Tyki Mikk." Allen calls. "All of you have underestimated us humans for too much!"

Tyki then grins and puts his hand on his face. "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Who do you think you are...? Okay. I get it. So if I don't kill the boy first, that Innocence won't die, huh?"

"Ah!" Road exclaims as she stands up.

"Road-tama, what's wrong-lero?" Lero asks.

"Tyki's snapped~" She replies as on aura surrounds her body.

"Reject. Reject. Reject. Reject. Reject." Tyki thought as he puts his arm in front of him, pointing at Allen and Tyki shoots a large beam at him.

"Many thanks for the sermon, Exorcist." Tyki says. "I'll show you my abilities as a present."

Road quickly moves away from the range of the beam with three boxes that has Alive, Leenalee, Chaozi, and Lavi.

"ARRGH~ That was close~~!" Road says.

"If Road-tama wasn't noticed and was late for just a second, Lero would've been swallowed together with these guys-lero!"

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