Chapter 21: Vampire of the Castle 1

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On the train

Everyone decides that Lavi would be able to bring back after noticing that she didn't board the train.

"You mean me?" Lavi asks.

"Please Lavi! Alice must have missed the train back at the last station. Go back and find her!" Leenalee says with panic and worry.

"What is she, a little kid?" Lavi mumbles.

Bookman starts to nudge Lavi with his foot.

"Go. You can that stick of yours to fly to her." Bookman says.

"It's a hammer, Panda." Lavi corrects Bookman angrily. "Fine, fine~~~ I has a bad feeling 'bout this tho~~" Lavi says as he takes out Iron Hammer.

"I'm coming as well!" Allen says and Lavi nods.

~Few Hours Before~
At the station

Alice misses the train that everyone is on because a man pins her down on the train platform.

"The train... left..." Alice says as she stops struggling.

"I'm very sorry, Miss Clergywoman." The man apologizes. "But! You are urgently needed here as well..." The man let go of Alice and bows on his knees in front of Alice.


"Eh? Clergywoman?" Alice says.

In the village

"Sorry it's so late... I am the mayor of this village, the name's Georg." Georg introduces himself. "EVERYONE! OUR PRAYERS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED! A BLACK CLERGYWOMAN HAS ARRIVED–!" He announces to the people. Alice eyes widen at the situation.

"UWO―!" The people cheer. "IT'S A MIRACLE! MIRACLE!" They all run up to Alice which scares her. "IT'S A LADY CLERGYWOMAN–!" The group of people surrounds Alice and ties her to a chair with no reason. Georg explains their situation and Alice looks at them with disbelief.

"A vampire?" Alice says as she looks at the group of people with confusion.

"Yes." Georg replies. He looks up with a grave looks on his face. "For as long as anyone can remember, a fearsome vampire has live beyond this village! Its name is Baron Krory." Georg begins. "You never see him out during the daytime. During the night, human screams can always be heard from the castle. They say that those who enter the castle never came out alive..." Alice looks at him with a nonchalant look.

"No way... A vampire, in this day and age?" Alice says and Georg stares at her. "Sorry... please continue."

"But, as long as we stayed away from the castle, we were in no danger of being attacked by Krory." Georg continues. "Krory lived quietly in his castle. Then one night, suddenly... The first victim was an old maid. Krory killed the old woman by sucking her life blood until her body evaporated."

~Georg's Memory~
In the woods; at night

Georg and his people see Krory sucking the old maid dry. When Krory stands up, the old woman's body has evaporates. Smoke rising from the corpse.

"Kr... Baron Krory!?" Georg stammers.

Baron Krory turns around, baring his fangs.


"No wa–y..." Lavi says with an unbelieving look. Georg and his people are all surprise, but Alice is calm as if she expects him to arrive. Allen is behind Alice, undoing the rope that binds Alice to the chair.

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