Chapter 42: Into the Battlefield Again

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Edo, Japan

All the Akumas in Japan to become a giant.

"Hey, what's that?!" Krory exclaims.

"This is bad! This is really bad-cho!" Chomesuke exclaims.

"The Akuma are all gathering together..." Chaozi points out.

"This is nothing." Bookman says. "All of the machines just fusing together and turned absurdly huge!"

Once the Akuma giant forms it starts to attack them. Meanwhile, Lavi watches the giant attacking his comrades.

"You don't have time to be looking around." Tyki tells Lavi and attacks him as he blocks Tyki. "Oh? Looks like you can't move that right arm that well." Tyki observes.

"Damn it..." Lavi curses. "You won't be hearing me complaining that it hurts!" Then the seals appear, surrounding Lavi and Tyki jumps back. "It may look like you have the ability to let anything slip through you... But Innocence is different." Lavi starts explaining. "Back then... Allen was able to smack you with his left hand. You Noah are just like the Akuma, aren't you? The Innocence is your weakness."

"Maruhi!" Lavi thought. "Maruten!"

"Combo Seal! Gouraiten!"

A fire and lightning dragon appears from the combo seal and flies towards Tyki.

"Teez, there's a large prey waiting for you." Tyki tells the cannibal golem. "It's a feast! A feast!"


A large pentacle appears behind the Akuma Giant.

"Evil Star Gita...!" The Akuma Giant says.

"Here it comes!" Bookman warns.

The pentacle starts to shine and multiple lasers shoots everywhere in front of the giant.

"Time Record Activate!" Miranda yells. "I'm suspending the flow if time around this building and turning into a wall that will cover us! As long as time doesn't flow, we won't get hit!" A barrier appears, surrounding the building that they are standing on. "Time Out!"

"Not bad, woman!" Krory says.

"But this can't be kept up for very long..." Miranda tells. "Please do something about that Akuma..."

"Got it." Bookman understands.

"I'll also...!" Leenalee says.

"Stay here, Miss Leena!" Bookman tells her. "It's too dangerous for you to fight with those legs!"

"That Akuma can also attack from above! With my boot...!"

"You may be the 'Heart'! Don't involve yourself in the fight until the very end!"

"But Bookman!"

"I'll fly you up to the crown of the head-cho!" Chomesuke volunteers.

"Chomesuke-kun!" Leenalee calls.

"I... can't stay with you guys for much longer anyways-cho." Chomesuke tells them. "The truth is, even if I'm modified, my murderous impulse can't be controlled-cho. I'll end up attacking you soon. I deserve some applause for bearing with this long-cho... I'll help you out until the end..."

"What will happen when your murderous impulse desire kicks in?" Bookman asks.

"Marian had me set for self-destruction." Chomesuke answers.

"So that's the fate of modified Akuma..."

"Walker will be pissed if he found that out..." Bookman thought.

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