Chapter 37: The Price of Power

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Middle of the sea

As Akuma Eshi is holding Leenalee, signs of using the Innocence to maximum power are showing on her body.

"Lavi, when I get back to the ship, I was going to apologize." Leenalee thought. "Alice, even though you lost your memory as a child, I hope you make precious memories with everyone. Allen, you suffered so much. Yet you're always looking out for me, thank you. I shouldn't have borrowed this. Anita's hair-tie..."

Leenalee then remembers Allen and Alice smiling at her.

"Allen, Alice, I... know you two will come back to us, that's what I decided to believe in."

"So Eshi is the stubborn type. Is that what you said...?" Akuma Eshi says.

"Who knows?" Leenalee says.

The signs start to spread even further and Akuma Eshi notices it.

"What are you doing?" Akuma Eshi asks.

Leenalee says nothing and looks down.

"So these are the consequences..." Leenalee thought. "They're showing up sooner than I expected."

"I'm..." Leenalee speaks. "Breaking..."

"You mustn't despair." Akuma Eshi says. "Killing is more fun when they're still squirming."

Leenalee then looks up at Akuma Eshi.

"That... won't happen. Because YOU will be the one to die first." Leenalee declares.

Then the Akuma Eshi starts punching Leenalee as he laughs.

"What's wrong, Exorcist?" Akuma Eshi asks. "Squirm, squirm, squirm, squirm, squirm, squirm, SQUIRM!"

Akuma Eshi let go Leenalee and she begins to fall.

"Enbu..." Leenalee says. "Kirikase!"

Leenalee makes a destructive tornado at Akuma Eshi. However, it cuts the tornado in half and looks around.

"Up..." Akuma Eshi says as he looks up.

"Shittsui no Tougi*. Tetsukase**."
*Forsaken Footwork. **Iron Fetters

Leenalee is in the air and her Dark Boots turned into morass of blade around them.

"Pitiful..."Akuma Eshi says. "Eshi cannot be damaged by the likes of you."

"You're wrong." Leenalee disagrees and she looks down at Akuma Eshi. "Because you've just... given me the ability to do so."

Leenalee then closes her eyes.

"She suppressing her Innocence's power...!?" Akuma Eshi thought.

The chains suddenly fly towards Leenalee's body.

"This is it." Leenalee thought. "This is my final attack."

The chains are then surrounding Leenalee's body and starts wrapping around her. She watches her body getting wrapped us and she closes her eyes. Akuma Eshi realizes what Leenalee is going to do.

"Don't tell me..." Akuma Eshi says. "She's gonna use the gravity chains to..."

On the ship

Suddenly, the boat rises up from the ocean and resurfaces.

"Huh?" Lavi says. "What the-...? The ship..."

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