Popular [Vikklan #5]

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Third Person POV

Vikram Barn. That popular kid that everyone loves and looks up to.

His appearances make him look adorable, which he is.

His raven black hair fits perfectly around his small face, making his chocolate brown eyes pop.

He's the definition of perfect, i swear.

You'd always see him smile and never ever cry.

He is always so bubbly and happy.

But that's not the real him.

Vikk isn't that happy boy that everyone sees and loves.

No one sees the faded white lines across his wrists or thighs.

No one notices how he never has food and if he does it's an apple or something healthy.

No one notices how he is always trying to be perfect instead of being him.

He thinks he needs to be perfect for everyone to love and care about him.

He always is trying so hard just to be noticed.

He thinks that people would hate him if he was different.

Lachlan, his boyfriend, has tried to change his thinking, although he never could.

Vikk would convince Lachlan that he was fine although we all knew he wasn't.

He had gone back to cutting. Everyday is just an endless cycle.

Wake up.


Go to school.


Go home.




Everyday was just another war against himself, trying to not give up.

Lachlan would take the sharp objects away from him, leaving him with only his nails to hurt himself.

He had once or twice smashed a mirror in his bathroom just to get a shard to cut.

Vikk would do anything to feel the slightest bit of pain.

You could see him pinching his skin, scratching his skin hard, biting his lip almost causing blood or even using a sharp pencil to scratch.

He thinks its normal so when he wore a short sleeve shirt to school he got some weird and scared looks.

He then realized how it wasn't okay or as some may say, socially accepted.

As with him being gay, which no one knew about.

He had ran up to Lachlan cuddling into his chest and that's when everyone found out.

"You're beautiful just the way you are love. Don't hide your scars." Lachlan would whisper.

"But they are ugly!" Vikk cries.

"No. It's just another battle that you have lost. But don't worry, you still have yet to win the final fight." Lachlan had always quoted.

You would have never guessed any of this at first glance.

I guess, people wouldn't expect the popular kid to be suicidal.

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