I've Lost The Moon [Ministar #7] 1/2

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Simon's POV

Vikk has been distant. Me being his boyfriend and all, it's worrying.

I'm not sure what happened, either it was me or someone else.

Vikk is sitting in the room next to me, recording with Lachlan for the 50th time today.

It bugs me that he spends more time with Lachlan than he does with his own boyfriend.

It does bother me but there is no way in hell i want to bring that up, although i think I'll have to.

I sigh deeply, i don't want to talk to Vikk about it. It may come off as if i don't trust him.

I do trust him, that the thing, i don't trust Lachlan.

He is always flirting with Vikk and acting as if they are dating.

The thing is, Vikk doesn't do anything about it. He doesn't deny it and he doesn't tell him to stop.

That is the thing that gets of my nerves the most. I don't know anymore, i just let him.

I don't try to stop it anymore. If Vikk wanted him to stop, then he would tell him I hope.

I get up, walking down stairs to fill up my glass of water.

I walk down the small set of stairs down to the kitchen and I see Vikk.

"Hey." I smile, opening the fridge for the water. "Hey." He smiles hazily.

"You done recording?" I ask. "Yeah. Just need to edit." He smiles, taking a bit from his apple.

"Wanna save editing for later and hang out?" I wonder.

"I can't. I need to edit. Sorry." He sighs, faking it.

"You just want to talk to Lachlan" I mutter, half hoping he won't hear.

"What do you mean by that?" He spat.

I was somewhat taken back by him standing up for Lachlan.

"You spend everyday and hour with the kid. I want sometime with you too.." I sigh.

"I see you everyday! I never see Lachlan!" He defends. "Still!" I yell, snapping.

"You can't control my life!!!" He yells right back.

"I DON'T TRUST HIM VIKK!" I scream. The house goes silent.

Vikk looks at me, pain filling his gaze.

"Or is it that you don't trust me?" He whispers, running away.

"Vikk no!" I say, trying to grab his arm.

I was too late as he had already run to his room.

I stand there, silently wishing that i hadn't had brought any of this up.

I walk slowly to my room, not sure what will happen next.

-A Week Later-

Vikk has been avoiding me at all costs.

He won't talk to me in real life, he won't even talk to me during videos.

Fans have noticed it, but not many.

It hurts to know that i caused this to happen, but i can't change the past.

I miss him to say the least and i don't even know if i can do anything to fix this mess.

I need to fix what i have created, even if it involves us never talking again.

I get up and walk out of my room to Vikk's. I knock loudly on his door.

He opens the door, rolling his eyes and trying to close it.

"No." I say. I stop him from closing the door and look him in the eyes.

"I don't want this relationship to die." I say.

"A little too late isn't it minter?" He says bitterly. I sigh but know i have to be strong.

"I don't want us to end over a stupid little fight." I say. "Too late." He mumbles.

"Vikk. Listen to me." I say, making him look me dead in the eye.

"I love you way too much to let you go. I don't want to break up over this stupid little fight. I won't give up on us." I say in a whisper.

He stays quiet, the whole house being silent as ever.

Usually the house is loud, but right now, there was nothing more quiet.

"I love you Vikk. I trust you. I want to be okay. I want you to be okay. I want US to be okay." I say, same tone.

"I shouldn't have left you. I shouldn't have done any of this. I'm so so sorry Vikk. You have no idea." I sigh.

"I'm sorry Simon. Bye." He says, closing the door all the way.

I know right then and there something that will get him back....


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