All In My Head [Vikklan #9]

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Lachlan's POV

"Nah! We gotta get on that thing!!!" I exclaim to my best friend who stood beside me.

"It's huge though!!" He exclaimed. "Ha! That's what she said" I giggle.

"But we gotta get on that."I continue. "Ugh fine." He gives in.

I run to the roller coaster with Vikk trailing behind me.

We both show the guy our bracelets and jumped on the ride.

We buckle in and secure our selves.

"Hey can i sit next to you?" A guy asked.

"There is someone sitting there. Are you blind?" I ask, bothered due to this not being the first time.

Just cause he is short, doesn't mean you should be able to not see him.

"Wow alright. Sorry i asked." He rolled his eyes and walked down the coaster.

"Jerk." I mutter. "It's alright Lachy." Vikk comforts. I sigh and nod in content.

"You ready?" I ask the anxious boy next to me. "Sorta." He laughs it off.

"You're gonna be okay" I smile as the ride starts, i grasp onto his hand.

The ride picks up, screams coming from everyone on the ride.

A few minutes later the ride slows down and then comes to a stop.

"That was scary as hell." I say, feeling sick but excited. "Wasn't that bad" A girl says from beside me.

"I was talking to my friend...Sorry." I sigh, irradiated with people.

She gives me a weird look and walks away.

"Ugh people are annoying. Lets just go home." I sigh. "Alright lets go." He agrees.

I hop in the car with Vikk sitting in the passenger seat, head moving along to the beat of the song on the radio.

"You tired yet?" I ask the noticeably sleepy boy beside me.

"Somewhat, But i wanna spend time with you." He smiles.

"Nah. You gotta get some sleep.You look like you're on drugs." I laugh.

"Whatever you loser" He sticks out his tongue. "Oh shut it." I laugh, shoving his shoulder slightly.

He just laughs. We finally make it home after all the banter, which was about 9 PM ish.

"Come on sleepy." I say, shaking Vikk. He sighs and turns the other way.

I sigh and get out of the car, walking to Vikk's side. I open his door and pull him out, carrying him like a baby.

I close his door and bring him inside. I close the front door and walk up to my room.

I lay Vikk down on my bed, jumping in beside him.

I'm used to sleeping with my best friend, it's nothing unusual.

I fall asleep with Vikk by my side.



When i wake up i get taken back into reality.

Locked up in this hell hole.

This stupid mental hospital that I've been in for years on end.

This cold hard reality.

Locked in this room with padded walls alone with my own thoughts.

My dad put me in this place, i was going insane according to him.

"Hello Lachlan. How are you today?" Preston, my caretaker, asks with a sweet voice.

I nod slightly, not knowing what had just happened.

"Great to hear! A new room mate is coming soon. Hope you two will get along!" He smiles.

A new room mate? What? I nod in reply, still confused.

He leaves the room, locking the door behind him. I sit there for a few minutes just thinking about what happened.

My door opens, Preston walking in.

"Your room mate is here!" He exclaimed. I sigh and look at who it is.

"Vikk?" I say in shock. He looks up, fear coming across his face.

"Lachlan..?" He breathes.

"Yeah." I smile.

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