Best Friend [Minizerk #2]

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Josh's POV

Sometimes i feel worthless.

Almost as if no one really likes me, their just faking it.

As if people put up with me just to get things.

It's weird y'know, Feeling like this.

I have some friends who make me smile.


In tears from laughing to much.


But then others come along.

They put you down.

Laugh at you

Call you names.

Hate you.

They are the ones who make this so called life a living hell.

I miss him.

That one person who made it all better.

That guy who had put his all into my well being.

The one who had saved me from myself.

The one who ended up leaving.

The one who had killed himself because of others.


Who in their right mind thinks it's okay.

He fucking killed himself because of them.

He's not coming back.


I don't want to think that way.

That my best friend is gone.

That the one i loved most is not coming back.

Breaks me inside but i can't do anything.

I love you so goddamn much Si.

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