What are we? [Ministar #6]

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Vikk's POV

I hang my head in sadness as the love of my life leaves me standing in the cold as if nothing ever happened.

He walks away with pride as i feel my heart breaking.

I slowly drag myself home, tears running down my face as to what had just happened.


"Vikk? Can i talk to you after school at the back field?" Tobi, my boyfriend, asked.

"Of course." I smile, heading to class.

Then end of the day rolls around and i make my way to the back field where i see him standing.

I hop over and stand in front of the boy who looks distracted.

"Hey." I smile. "Vikk...Uh...We can't do this anymore..." He mutters.

What? Meet?" I ask, slightly confused. "No. We can't do us anymore." He says angrily.

I cower back and look at him scared.

"I don't love you anymore." He says bluntly.

"Why...?" I question sadly. "I realized that i love girls. Bye." He walks away.

*FlashBack Over*

I slowly fall to my bed, curling up into a ball while tears silently fall down my face.

I think the hardest part of losing someone isn't them leaving.

It's learning how to live without them.

At this point, I'm not sure how.

Laying here crying my eyes out quietly making sure none of the boys heard.

"Vikk!!! Dinner is ready!!" Simon calls from down stairs.

I don't bother moving or getting up due to not even one part of me wanting to get up.

No one bothered to come up to my room to check to see if i was okay.

Just the normal here, people not giving a shit about me.

*A Week Later*

Simon's POV

"OH COME ON VIKK!" Josh yells from beside me up to Vikk who is hiding in his room.

I sigh deeply as no movement was heard.

"I wish he'd just come down." I hang my head.

"He is going to come down at some point." He comforts.

I shrug and walk up to my room ."What about dinner?" Josh asks.

"I'm not hungry." I mumble, shutting my door after i hear a loud sigh from the man downstairs.

I know i should go see what's wrong with Vikk, but I'm not sure if i have the heart to see him hurting.

I decided to go see what happened.

This whole time he's just been uploading either already recorded videos or solo.

We ask him if he wants to join in but he never responds.

I walk out of my room, closing the door softly behind me.

I walk across to his room and knock on his door.

"Can I come in?" I ask, hearing footsteps.

It was Josh who had come up the stairs and looked at me puzzled.

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