Vikk's POV
Silence. The wind is quiet and everything is still. I'm sitting on the roof of my apartment, looking up. I want to do it. I need to do it, But I can't. Tears fill my eyes as I remember what my parents said.
-Flash Back-
-Language Warning-
I sit in my room, playing on my DS I just got. "Vikram! Get down here right now!" My dad yelled. I was scared. I didn't know what was happening. I set my device down onto my bedside table and walked down stairs. My mum was sitting on the couch, crying. My dad looked pissed out of his mind and kept pacing. "What the fuck is this!?" He yelled, throwing a picture at me. It was a picture of my boyfriend, Lachlan, and I kissing. "D-dad....I-I..Where did this come from??" I stutter. They didn't know I was gay, never mind that I had a boyfriend. "We found it on the front steps Vikk." My mum said sadly. I stare at the two with wide eyes. "You are gay!?" My dad asked, anger filling his voice. I gulp and nod, looking down. "What the fuck did we do wrong to mess this kid up!?" He yelled. "Get back to your room. NOW" He said, pointing upstairs. I sadly walk up the stairs, knowing he now hates me.
-Flash Back Over-
They thought it was stupid, They thought I was stupid. They thought that I wasn't normal, that being gay makes you different. And they shouldn't have said that. They should have been good parents. Maybe I wouldn't be sitting here on this roof, debating if I should jump or not. I hear the roof door swing open. "Vikk no." Lachlan, my boyfriend, spits out. I stand up, my back towards the edge. He's out of breath, tears dripping down the side of his cheeks. "An-and why s-should-n't I-I?" I stutter, tears still falling. "I don't want you to jump. Please Vikk, I'm begging you!" He pleads. I stare at him intently and swiftly turn around. "They hate me, Lach. My parents despise me and said I'm not their son. My friends aren't all that supportive." I mumbled, staring at the hard ground below. It was true. My parents had kicked me out and disowned me. Well, my father did at least, my mum was too scared of him to say otherwise. I was living with Lachlan on and off. I'd rarely come home and when I did, it was when he was at work. "Vikk, Please back away." He said slowly as if he said it quicker, it'd do it. I stood my ground, not speaking a word to him as I stared downwards. "Vikk. People love you. I love you. I love you more than ever. I'm sorry to say it, but if you jump, I'm following right behind you." He said in one breath. I took that in. Could I be that selfish to end my life, causing Lachlan to do the same? Tears were still falling as I was frozen in place. "You can't love me. No matter how many times you say it, I'll always love you more than you love me." I mumble. I heard a sigh and a few footsteps. "Vikk, When I say I love you more, I don't mean that I love you more than you love me." His voice wavers with uncertainty. "I mean that I love you more than the bad days ahead of us. That I love you more than any fight we will ever have. I love you more than the distance between us, I love you more than any obstacle that could try and come between us. I love you the most. And no matter what you say, I will always love you the most" He finishes. Tears are falling down my cheeks even harder by now. I shake slightly but I take a step backward, getting away from the edge. I fall to the ground sobbing. Lachlan pulls me into his hold, shushing me and whispering sweet things in my ear. "Breathe Vikky. Relax. It's okay. I got you. I got you. Shush." He mumbles, kissing the top of my head. My breathing slows down, still a few hiccups here and there. "I love you" I mumble. "I love you too." He replies. I snuggle into his touch, resting my head on his shoulder "Let's go home. We can cuddle up well watching Netflix." He smiles at me, picking me up. "Thank you, Lach."