Abusive Boyfriend [Poofless #2]

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A/N: This book doesn't have actual mention of Abusive in it, only hints at it. Please dont read if you do get triggered by it very easily.



Rob's POV

I sip my coffee slowly, staring straight ahead of me. My arms, legs and chest hurts; everything hurts, but it's fading.

Only the physical pain is fading, the emotional will never fade. My phone buzzes in my pocket, causing me to jump.

I set down the warm cup, pulling out my phone hesitantly. "I-it-it's j-jus-t Pr-Pres-ton, Ro-Rob. Re-Relax" I mumble to myself.

"H-He-y?" I say into the phone. "Hey Rob, How ya feeling buddy?" He asks with slight sympathy. "U-Uh G-go-goo-d" I stutter.

After what he did, i had a stutter and i wish i could get rid of it. "I wanna see you" He mumbles through the phone.

A slight blush comes to my face and i smile slightly. "I-I D-Do-Don-t th-thi-thin-k s-o" I smile, words still stuttering.

"I think you look adorable when you blush" He mumbled sweetly. "Y-Y-o-Yo-u C-C-C-an-t E-E-ve-n s-s-se-e m-e" I mutter, blush becoming bigger.

"You sure about that' Robby?" I hear from behind me. I turn around, scared. Preston stands behind me with his arms open, coffee in one hand like always.

I get up and give him a soft hug. "H-H-ey P-Pr-e-Prest-on" I smile, hiding my face into his neck. "Hey Rob" He says, holding me somewhat tightly.

"Let's sit down." He pulled away from our little hold. I sat down, keeping my body really close together, as it was a habit.

"Is anything getting better?" Preston asked. I though for a second. I truly didn't know if things were getting better or if i was just used to the worst that bad is still normal.

"I-I do-on't K-k-n-now" I mumbled, holding tightly onto my coffee.

"Do you still hurt physically? I know the answer already for mentally, so i wont ask right now. How about the bruises? Are they still there? The cuts??" Preston asked, keeping a hush tone so no one else notices.

I look around to see if anyone was really staring at us or not, which was the latter, and pulled my shirt down a little bit to show Preston the damage that was still on my body.

"Oh Rob.." He trailed off. I knew that he didn't mean it in a disappointed way, maybe of himself but not me.

"I-I'm-Im s-s-s-orr-y" I mumble into my cup, trying to relax into the seat even a bit. "Hey no Robby, its not your fault. It was his fault okay? Not even a tiny bit of what happened was your fault" He said to me as he grabbed my hand.

I almost shook in my seat at the thoughts of what he had done to me. It was scary.

Not being able to defend yourself against your abusive boyfriend isn't the best situation to be in. I knew Lachlan didn't mean to hurt me.

It was probably just my fault. Right? My fault.. "M-my f-f-fault" i mutter to myself. "Hey hey Rob no" Preston said gripping my hand more

"M-My-y Fa-fau-f-fa-ult" I shake as i think more and more. I zone out completely and next thing i know, the whole room is black and i drift off into nothingness.

-Time Skip-

"Shush love. Don't move. You're okay." I hear a soft accent say to me; Preston of course.

I shake a bit at the sound of his voice as i couldn't see him. I was scared. Where was i and why was it so dark.

"P-p-re-pres-ton" I mumble softly. "Yes love? You're okay. Don't worry Robby" He says, holding my hand.

"W-w-her-e a-m I-i?" I ask, still in darkness. "In my room love. Open your eyes" He says. I suddenly am encased in light from his window.

I look at Preston with sleepy eyes and sigh heavily. "We're gonna get you all patched up okay Rob?" He says. I give him a soft nod and close my eyes again.

He lifts up my shirt and patches me all up. I'm so thankful to have a friend like him around.

"All done" He smiles at me. I sign thank you to him too tired and weak to use my words and slowly drift off into a sleep.

"I love you Rob." Was the last thing i heard before sleep over took me.


Funnily enough, i actually started writing this a long while ago, and only finished now. Wow go me lmao

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