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**9 years ago**

"Peter, I think I should go home," I said while we were making my special hat that would end up looking like his. He stopped and looked at me with sad eyes. "What? Why do you want to leave? I thought you liked it here," Peter Pan said. "I love it here... but I'm too young... this place isn't meant for a 6 year old, Peter," I reasoned. "Well... you're a smart 6 year old! Doesn't that count?" he asked. "No, Peter... I think I should grow up just a little bit... and then come back when I'm ready," I said. "When would that be?" he asked, worried that I would say some big number. I thought for a second, then asked, "How old are you?" "I am very old, Scarlett..." he said. 'NO! I mean... how old is your body?!" I asked laughing. "OH! I'm 17 then," he told me. "Then when I turn 17, you can come back for me... Okay, Feather Boy?" I asked him. He thought it over for a second and said, "Fine... I'll take you home, but then you come back when you're 17... Now, c'mon. Let's go finish that hat, yeah?"

"Okay. We made the hat, now we need to add the feather," Peter said. I nodded my head happily. We found a flock of flamingos and we plucked a pink feather from one. Then, Peter used his magic to super glue the feather onto my new hat. "Now we're matching!" I said, excited. He put it on my head and said, "There, now when you're back at home, you have this to remember me." "Even without the hat, I would remember you, Feather Boy," I said hugging his leg, since I'm too short. He kneeled down in front of me and asked, "Promise, Little Bird?" and held out his pinkie finger. "Double promise! Just always be waiting for me," I said and hooked my pinkies into both of his. He smiled. "Okay. I guess I gotta take you home now," he said, standing up. "Not so fast," I heard someone say. I turned around to see Hook and his men behind him. Peter pushed me behind him and I clung onto the back of his weird shirt. I looked up at Peter, he was very, very angry. I had met Hook many times before, but he looked extra evil right now. "What do you want, Hook?" Peter spat. "The girl, Pan," he said. "Why do you want her, Hook?" Peter asked, pulling me closer to him, which I didn't think was possible. "She brings you happiness and my job is to take that happiness away from you," Hook grinned evilly. He glanced behind me and I peeked behind me and squealed as I was picked up by a pirate. "Scarlett!" peter yelled and pulled out his dagger. The pirate tossed me to another pirate, then another... and another until finally I was tossed to Hook himself. Peter held his dagger out towards Hook, but all of us knew he wouldn't use it in fear of hitting me. At least, that's what I hoped. "Let her go, Hook!" Peter demanded. "Or what? You going to risk hitting her in your attempts to get to me?" Hook said. "I've got a pretty good aim," Peter smirked. He prepared to throw the dagger at Hook, but Hook stopped him with a, "Ah. Ah. Ah. I wouldn't do that if I were you." He pressed his hook to my neck, cutting me slightly in the process. "Wouldn't want to risk me slicing the poor girl on my way down," he said. I whimpered, but didn't scream, as Hook slowly dragged the hook across my neck. I was a strong 6 year old. "STOP! Stop! Don't hurt her! ...Please..." Peter begged. "Oh. Would you look at that? The Great Peter Pan is begging for a little girl's life. How sweet," Hook smirked. "Just give her back," Peter pleaded. Hook seemed to contemplate this for a second. Finally, he answered with, "No," and he tossed me to another pirate. I kicked and screamed and I slightly heard Hook's orders, "Take her to the ship and tie her to the mast." "Scarlett!" Peter screamed. "Peter! Help me!" I screamed. He tried to get to me, but was swarmed by pirates. He fought them left and right, but by the time he was done, I was long gone and on my way to the ship.

A big, scary pirate grabbed me and threw me onto the deck, and then another one grabbed me and tied me to the mast of the ship. At least I think it was the mast... How would I know? I'm six. I struggled to get untied, but it didn't work. Half an hour later, Hook came on board and walked to Smee. They talked for a bit, but I couldn't hear what they were saying. I knew they were talking about me because they kept glancing at me. I kept trying to get untied, but finally Hook walked over to me and cut me out. He held out his hand and I grabbed. He pulled me up and I was about to run, but I had nowhere to go. He looked down at me and asked, "Do you want to go home, love?" I nodded. He started walking and I followed. "Then, let's go. Smee will take y-" "What about Peter?" I asked, cutting him off. "Look, love. Either you go with Smee or you don't go at all. I'll tell Peter that Smee took you back. Would that be better?" he asked me. I nodded and said, "But you have to promise you'll tell Peter!" "Fine," he said and I held out my pinkies. He hooked his pinkie and hook into my little pinkies and I smiled. "Good," he said and led me over to Smee who was lowering a little boat into the water. I looked up at Hook again and noticed the similarities between the two of us. Our faces were a bit similar, but our hairs were total opposites. I was a blonde with long wavy hair and he had short, brown, quiffed hair. He lowered me into the boat and waved his hook at me as we floated away. I looked at Smee and saw him toss a glowing, blue bean into the water. The water swirled around and when we got caught we went around and around and around until we finally went through the hole at the bottom and we were back at home. "Welcome Back to Storybrooke, Miss Scarlett," Smee said. I looked at the little town and sighed. Then I looked at the big clock over my favorite place in the whole town, the library, and smiled a bit. No matter how much everything changes, that clock will never tick. It's always 8:15...

We neared the shore and I prepared to get off when I was pushed into the water. I screamed and tried to get my head out from under the water but someone was pushing me further down. Smee was trying to kill me. That must've been what Hook was talking to him about. They were planning to kill me. I tried to get up but it didn't work. Smee was too strong. Then, all of a sudden, he wasn't pushing me under anymore. I swam to the surface and then to the shore. Turns out we were right in front of the dock. I layer on the warm dock and took big breaths. I opened my eyes and saw that Smee was gone... I couldn't find him or the boat anywhere. I sat up and looked around. I stood and turned towards the town to see Mr. Gold there. I yelped in surprise. "Calm down, dearie. Are you okay?" he asked me. "Yes. Did you do that?" I asked. "Do what?" he asked pretending not to know what I was talking about. I knew he was lying. "Smee and the boat went poof and you just happened to be there??? You're lying," I said. Then I gasped and said, "You used magic! You have magic! Peter told me there was magic here! I knew it! That book Mary Margaret gave me was true! You all have magic! My mommy has magic! My mommy is evil! She isn't my real mommy either, so that means I'm not evil, right?" I rambled. "Peter who?" He asked me. Seriously, I say all of this and he asks who Peter is... "Peter Pan. Who else?" I said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. His eyes seemed to widen like he was scared... How could someone as scary as Mr. Gold get scared over a person like Peter Pan...? He used his magic to dry me up. "See! I knew you had magic. That's really cool," I said. Mr. Gold waved his hand in front of my face, then.... Nothing... "That won't last long... you'll remember one day, but hopefully after the curse is broken," Mr. Gold said. Wait... why am I at the docks with Mr. Gold??? Wasn't I asleep in bed??? "Why am I here?" I asked him. "You ran away dearie. I found you. C'mon, I'll take you back to your mother," he said and I went with him. I've always found Mr. Gold to be mysterious... like if he was magical!!!! ....Or something like that...

We neared the door to my BIG house. Mommy was the mayor so we got a big special house. Mr. Gold knocked on the door and my mommy answered. She was holding my little brother, Henry, in her arms. Hello, Mr. Gold. What do you- Scarlett! You found her. Where was she?" Regina, my mother, said, opening the door wider to let us in. "She was at the docks. She was trying to steal a boat to sail away from here," Mr. Gold explained. "I did?" I asked. I honestly couldn't remember anything after going to sleep last night. "She's been missing for 9 days and she was only at the docks?" my mommy asked. Wait! 9 days?! "Where have you been, Scarlett?!" my mom yelled. "I don't remember... I don't remember anything..."


Welcome to my story guys! Idk when I'll upload all the chapters, but I have the finished book on quotev so if u wanna read it there, just click the link in the book description :)

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