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Scarlett's P.O.V.

I slowly opened my eyes, the sunlight from my window blinding me as I groaned, not wanting to wake up. I turned over and looked at the beautiful blonde fairytale sleeping behind me, his arms wrapped firmly around my waist as if he were scared I would disappear again. I snuggled up to his chest and smiled, deciding that maybe sleeping in wouldn't be so bad after all... But... maybe I should get up and help out with the whole... witch bitch... issue... Nobody told me what was happening next... nobody wanted me to get hurt again... or rather die again... what's it been now? 2 times? You can say I'm good at avoiding death... something Peter and I seem to have I common. As I was lost in my thoughts, I didn't realize Peter had woken up. "Good morning, Little Bird," he whispered. I looked up into his eyes as I whispered back, "Good morning, Feather Boy." "What are you doing up so early?" Peter asked. "The sun obviously doesn't like me... besides... I've got stuff to do," I explained. "No, you don't," Peter said, wrapping his arms tighter around me, refusing to let me get out of bed, and nuzzling his head in the crook of my neck. I giggled, "Seriously, Peter... I gotta go..." "No." "Peter-" "No." "But-" "No." "Ugh, Peter, if this is about last night-" "You almost died last night, Scarlett," Peter mumbled against my neck. "I did die, actually... But, the amazing Peter Pan saved me," I whispered. "Exactly... you died... again... Next time, you may not be so lucky as to cheat death again, Scarlett... just please... stay in bed today," Peter begged, looking at me, frowning. I thought it over before shaking my head, "No, Peter... I've got to help take down that witch bitch... if it makes you feel any better you can come, too... I could use the Peter Pan that actually has memories." "Fine... did you like that Peter? The one without memories of being... evil?" Peter asked. "I like you no matter which version of you you are. Peter, Pan, memoryless Peter... it doesn't matter," I explained. "But... which do you like more? Peter... or Pan?" Peter asked. "Hmm... I think I prefer... Peter Pan," I smiled. Peter kissed me lightly and whispered, "This is why I love you." "I love you, too... Now... get out of bed and get dressed... we gotta make it to Granny's before it's too late," I told him, wiggling out of his grasp to get ready.

"How do you know they're at Granny's?" Peter asked. "Where else would they meet? Besides, they aren't very good at whispering," I said, walking into my closet and picking out some clothes. I walked out of my closet, clothes in hand, to see Peter changing. I covered my eyes and turned around quickly saying, "Whoa there, boy! Warn me next time, okay?" Peter laughed. "Oh, but you know you love the view," he whispered in my ear. I could feel his warm body pressed up against my back. "You're too cocky for your own good, Peter," I laughed, turning my head back and kissing him lightly before walking off into the bathroom to change and do my normal morning routine. As soon as I got out of the bathroom, Peter grabbed my hand and teleported us to the lobby of Granny's inn.

"Can we get started?" Regina asked. "Ooh, looks like we made it just in time. What's going on?" I asked, leaning against a wall with Peter. "Scarlett? What are you doing here? It isn't safe for you to be out... Zelena could try to kill you again," Regina said. "In which case I will kill Zelena. Scarlett's quite stubborn and one of the reasons I let her come was to spite all of you so you'll all have to deal with it," Peter said. I rolled my eyes, "Please. You couldn't stop me from coming even if you tried." "Oh, really?" Peter asked. I nodded. "Look, as long as Scarlett is out of harm's way, I'm happy... And by the way would anyone really mind if we erased Pan's memories again? I don't think anyone in town feels safe with 2 villains running loose especially when one of them most probably has a vendetta to kill everyone in the town," Regina said, glaring at Peter. "Well, maybe if you'd have given him a chance, none of that would have happened and Zelena wouldn't be a problem," I glared at Regina. "I don't have a murderous vendetta... well... not really... Scarlett is more important to me than getting revenge... unlike you I've chosen love over revenge," Peter sassed. Regina was taken aback by Peter's words and my eyes widened and mouth dropped at them.

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