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Scarlett's P.O.V.

I woke up and attempted to get out of bed, but was held back by a pair of arms. I looked down and realized Peter had his arms wrapped around me. I turned over to face him and saw he was already awake. "Morning, Little Bird," he mumbled. "Hey, Feather Boy," I said. He smiled sleepily. I opened my mouth to ask what time it was and then began to laugh remembering there is no time in Neverland. "What's so funny?" he asked, curiously. "Time," was all I said. He smiled again and we just stared at each other for a few more minutes before we got out of bed and as I went to get ready, Peter grabbed my arm gently and said, "Um, Scarlett... I... I wanted to give you this." He handed me a bracelet. "Peter... it's beautiful," I said and put it on. He smiled and rubbed the back of his neck. "Thank you, Peter," I said and hugged him. He tensed at first, then relaxed and hugged me back. I pulled away and smiled widely at him before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek and going to change.

I walked out and Peter had already left the tent... and the camp... I searched around for him but couldn't find him. I saw Henry sitting alone again and I walked up to him. "Hey Hen Hen! Do you know where Peter is?" I asked. "No. Go away, Scarlett," he said, refusing to look at me. "Dude, what's wrong?" I asked. "Don't talk to me, Scarlett. Just go away," he said and left. What did I do? I frowned and began searching for Peter again. I saw Andrew walking into the forest and decided to follow him. I'm a curious girl. I have to.

I followed him for a few minutes before he stopped and I saw Peter and Felix meet up with him. Peter was looking at something through a telescope. "Look at them go. So determined to find their missing friend," he said. He must be watching my family. "Speaking of that friend... What should we do with Neal?" Felix asked. "It's time to move him. Take him to the echo cave. The game is about to get interesting," Peter said. "Pan... what of the girl?" Andrew asked. "What do you mean?" Peter asked. "Scarlett is becoming a liability. We all know you have feelings for her. It's quite obvious. She is creating problems... steering you off your course. You must do something about her," Andrew explained and it took everything within me not to come out and punch him square in the face. "Scarlett is not an issue," Peter said. "Then you don't have feelings for her?" Andrew asked and Felix slapped his arm, trying to get him to shut up. Thank you, Felix. I always liked you better anyways.

"No. Of course I don't," Peter said. My heart dropped. "Really? It doesn't seem like it," Andrew said. "Look, Scarlett is just a gullible little girl who will believe anything I tell her. She is easily manipulated and controlled and because she believes I have feelings for her, she will do anything I want. That's all this has been. A way to get her to convince Henry to give us his heart willingly. So no, Andrew. I don't have feelings for her at all whatsoever... but she has more than she can control," Peter said. I took a shaky breath and stepped back, trying to get away without them seeing me, but I chose today apparently to be a clumsy girl. I tripped over a rock and landed on my back. I grunted and when I opened my eyes Peter, Andrew, and Felix were all hovering over me. "Too curious for your own damn good," Andrew said. Andrew and Felix hauled me up in front of Peter whose eyes held sorrow and regret. I glared him down. "Scarlett, how much did you hear?" he asked. "All of it," I said, trying to pull myself away from Felix and Andrew who held me in their deathly grips. Peter noticed and told them, "Let her go... And... go move Baelfire where I told you." They let me go and left, me glaring Peter down the whole time.

"Scarlett, you don't understand, I-" "No, Peter. I'm going to talk and you're going to listen," I said, anger bubbling inside of me. He nodded. "You lied to me... You have been playing me this whole time I was just a pawn in another one of your stupid games... Using me to get to Henry... You do believe Henry is better... more important... don't you?" I asked, stepping away from him slightly. He sighed, "Scarlett... That's not it... I-" "Isn't it, though? Everyone has always believed that Henry is more important... worth more than me... Am I just second choice to everyone? For everything? I thought for once that I mattered... that I'd finally have a use... but I'm just as worthless as I've always thought I was and that's never gonna change..." I said, tears pooling in my eyes. Peter began to reach out for me again as I had moved away from him, "Scarlett, I-" "No, Peter! Stop lying to me. I know I don't matter to you and I bet that either of those kisses didn't either, but we should both know it meant a lot to me... You had my heart in the palm of your fucking hand, Peter! You are the only person that has ever looked like they cared about me, but I know now that it was never real... Just stay away from me..." I said, walking backwards, deeper into the forest. "Scarlett, please!" "NO! Peter! You lied to me! You lied to me this whole time! And I followed along with your plans like a fucking dog! I just can't believe that this whole time you had roped me into another one of your sick little games! You used me, Peter Pan! You used me... Y-you used me... I never mattered," I began mumbling things as I stepped further and further away from him.

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