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Tbh my first chapters are shit oops lol

Scarlett is played by the model Scarlett Rose Leithold :)



Scarlett's P.O.V.

I ripped the blankets off of me as soon as my alarm clock went off. It's was October and really cold up in Maine, so I changed and admired my sweater. I always loved the story of Peter Pan... I'm not sure why... Anyways, I slipped on my black high top converse and grabbed my book bag for school. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and then I brushed my hair and kept it down... I'm too lazy to do anything else with it. I've never been a big fan of makeup so I just left the bathroom and ran into my brother's room to wake him up. "GET UP HENRY! TIME FOR SCHOOOOOOOL!" I yelled into his ear. Aren't I a horrible sister?? "Leave me alone, Scarlett!" Henry groaned. "No! It's school time!!!!" I yelled and pulled his blankets from him. "Fine! I'm coming... Get out so I can change," he says pushing me out the door. I hopped down the stairs and into the kitchen. My mom was making our breakfast. I made Henry's and my lunch because I needed to fill it with more food than usual. "You seem to be in a good mood today... why?" my mom asked. "I don't know... Why's it matter? I'm not allowed to be happy?" I asked. "No, it's Monday... You're never happy on Mondays... You're usually looking for an excuse to skip school," my mom said putting Henry's and my breakfast on the dining table. "Well, today is an odd day, then..." I said, dropping the subject. Henry ran down the stairs and over to the door. "Where do you think you're going, dude?" I asked him. "Um... I'm not hungry..." Henry said. I knew what he was planning and I'm not letting him go without me. "Sorry, bro. You're eating. Now sit," I said, pointing to his seat. He huffed and dropped his bag by the door and came to eat. I noticed he was going really fast so I tried to finish before him. I did and I ran to the kitchen to clean up. I ran back upstairs to get my phone and charger and came back down in time to catch up with Henry. "BYE, MOM!" I yelled as I ran out the door.

I found Henry going the opposite way of the bus and knew my predictions were right. "Hey Henry. Where ya going? The bus is the other way," I told him. "Um... uh... well, I-"he started saying. "Cut the crap, dude. I know what you're doing. And I'm coming with you," I said, opening my book bag to reveal another bag but smaller. It had some essentials for our trip. "What? How did you find out?" he asked. "You left the tab open on your computer the other day... plus you're a horrible actor," I said, ruffling his hair. "Fine. Whatever... look, if we're gonna do this we have to hurry," he said and dragged me to run. We ran for a while into the woods until we finally found our way to the Storybrooke border. "Hold up, Henry... Are you sure we'll be able to do this?" I asked. "Yeah... Why? What's wrong?" he asked me. "Um... let me see your bag," I said already ripping his bag off his back. "What? Why?" he asked. I pulled out exactly what I was looking for. "I knew this is why you wanted to find our mom!" I yelled. Yes, we were adopted separately... but we found out that we had the same mother, but we didn't know who it was. Henry, the little smarty he is, found out. "You know?" Henry asked. "I gave you this book. Of course I knew!" I said, referring to the truth of the contents in this book. "And you believe it all?" he asked me. "I always have. That's why I gave it to you. I wanted you to figure out the truth in the book. I've spent a long time deciding who is who in this town and I wrote it down somewhere. Here, let me find it," I said looking through my bag for the crumbled up old paper. "Found it!" I yelled as I pulled it out. "It's kinda messed up, but I've had this paper since I was your age... so this is a 5 year old paper. I'm surprised I didn't lose it," I said. I gave him the paper and he looked it over. "You really think Mr. Gold is Rumpelstiltskin? Why?" he asked me. "I'm not sure. I just have this feeling that he has a lot of magic... I don't know. But anyways, aren't we not allowed to leave Storybrooke?" I asked him. "We can because we have intentions to come back, plus we aren't bound here by magic like everyone else," he said. "Okay, then... Let's go," I said and we walked over the border and kept on going. "Why did you wait so long to give it to me? Why didn't you go alone to find our mom?" Henry asked. "Because I wanted to wait until you were ready. Plus, I just had this feeling that I shouldn't give it to you yet. As if you were the deciding factor. It says in the book that the 'Savior' must return on her 31st birthday. So, I'm guessing that's why I didn't want to give it to you until you were 10, it gave you enough time to work things out. Because, according to the info you found online, our mom is turning 31 today. Oh and you turned off the tracking on your IPad right?" I asked him. "Yep." "Good, now Regina won't be able to find us... that would ruin everything. Especially if she still had magic under the curse," I said.

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