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Scarlett's P.O.V.

Emma, Henry, me, and tons of the other Storybrooke inhabitants, all stood in the streets as the purple mist washed over us and engulfed the town. The purple smoke thing cleared away and nothing was out of place, no one had left, everything was the same. Yet, something felt different. I looked to Emma who was hugging Mary Margaret. "You found us," Mary Margaret said, tears in her eyes. David hugged Emma after. "Grandpa?" Henry asked David and I walked to stand next to my brother. I smiled up at David as Mary Margaret laughed and David said, "Yeah, kids, I suppose so," and pulled Henry and I into a hug. "She did it. She saved you," I said, looking to Emma. "She saved all of us," Mary Margaret said with pride. Emma stumbled over her words trying to find what to say. "Uh, then why are we still here?" Leroy, Grumpy, asked after. "That, my friend, is an excellent question," David asked, pointing at Leroy. Then, everyone started freaking out, asking what the smoke was all about and why they weren't back at the Enchanted Forest. Then Mother Superior, the Blue Fairy, came and said, "Magic. It's here. I can feel it." "Magic? In Storybrooke? You're the Blue Fairy. Do something magical," I said, gesturing towards her. "It's not quite that simple, Scarlett. No wand, no fairy dust... Matters are complicated, now," Mother Superior said, sadly. "Let's go to the person responsible for bringing it – the Queen," Leroy said, anger building up inside him. "No, wait. It wasn't Regina," Emma said, butting in to the conversation. "Then who was it?" Leroy asked. "Gold," I said. Everyone looked around at each other for a moment, then suddenly, we were all taking a nice angry stroll to Gold's Pawnshop to most probably make him bring everyone back to the Enchanted Forest.

As we walked, I kinda overheard Emma talking to her parents, and while Mary Margaret and David were both up to chatting things out about the 3 decades that they missed on their daughter's life, Emma wasn't so keen on breaking open her past. I was about to jump into the conversation when I noticed an angry mob start running down a street. Wait, isn't that the direction to... Oh God. Archie ran up to us and said, "There you are. Come with me. I need your help. Dr. Whale's whipped everyone into a frenzy. They're going to Regina's house. They're going to kill her!" "Great, let's watch," Leroy said and I wanted so badly to reach over and punch him in the face... with a chair... "No. No, we cannot stoop to her level. No matter who she is or what she's done, killing her is wrong," said Mr. Conscience... I mean Archie... "He's right. Please. She's still Scarlett's and my mom," Henry pleaded. Emma looked at us and said, "We have to stop them." "If the Blue Fairy is right and magic is here, Regina could have her powers back. They'll be marching into a slaughter," David said. I quickly ran in the direction of my house, hoping to make it in time.

I made it to my house and into the crowd just as my mom throws her arms out to cast a spell. I flinched, thinking I'd be hit with magic, but nothing happened. "She's powerless!" someone from the crowd yelled. "What?" My mom asked, then someone yelled, "Get her!" Dr. Whale then pushed her up against the doorway pillar and I began to push my way through the crowd again. "Let her go!" I yelled. "Let her go. Let her go! Let her go!' Emma yelled, too, and then pulled Dr. Whale off Regina. "Why should I listen to you?" Dr. Whale spat at Emma. "Because I am still Sheriff," Emma threatened. "And because she saved you. All of you!" David added. "And because no matter what Regina did, it does not justify this," Mary Margaret also added. "And she is still my mother! So back off!" I yelled. "We are not murderers here," Emma reasoned. "Well, we're not from this world," Whale sassed. "Yeah, well, you're in it now," Emma shot back. David pushed Whale and said, "Okay, Whale. We're done." Dr. Whale pushed back and spat, "Back off. You're not my prince." "Who are you, Whale?" David wondered. "That's my business," Whale said, secretively. "Well my business, is making sure this town doesn't go to hell. So, whether or not I'm your prince, isn't the issue. We have a lot to figure out, and this isn't the way to do it," David said. "And Regina's death won't provide any answers. She needs to be locked up. For her safety and, more importantly, for ours," Mary Margaret proposed.

Mary Margaret, David, Emma, Henry, and I were all in the Sheriff's office watching Regina in her cell. "Right, so I'm a prisoner now?" Regina asked. "The curse is broken. Why didn't we go back?" David asked. "Because there's nothing to go back to. That land is gone," Regina said. "We should get to Gold," Mary Margaret said and we all left. The adults decided that this Gold meet up isn't for kids... So, they sent me and Henry to be kept safe by Ruby. The three of us drove off and I put in my earbuds, laid my head back and pressed play on my music. "Check Yes, Juliet" by We the Kings played first and I soon fell asleep.


"Scarlett? Scarlett, where are you?!" the boy from my other dreams yelled through the forest. I popped out from behind a tree and said, "I'm right here, feather boy." "Scarlett! Come here! We need to get you back to the camp... now," he insisted and grabbed my hand and we frantically ran back to the camp. "Why are we running, feather boy?" I asked, beginning to run out of breath. We stopped and the boy kneeled down in front of me. "Scarlett," he said, "have you ever met a pirate?" he asked. "No... but I've always wanted to," I said, excitedly. Why did I want to meet a pirate? Aren't they bad? They are pirates... but... something pulled me towards the thought of pirates and sword fighting and all that stuff. "No, Little Bird," the boy said, pulling me from my thoughts, "they are bad and evil and they will take you away from me." "Feather boy... are there pirates on the island?" I asked, looking into his... wait... his eyes... how did I never notice? He had no eyes... or face... I was definitely seeing a face... but my mind didn't register it... It's as if my mind were blocking the boy's face from entering it. "Yes, Little Bird... the worst ones... and I don't plan on you ever meeting them," he said and pulled me towards the camp again.


I shot up from the car seat and when I looked around, I had noticed that it was dark outside and we were parked outside of the church. "Scar, C'mon. We gotta see what that thing is doing in there," Henry said. "What thing?" I asked. How long was I asleep for? And who is this boy I keep seeing but yet not seeing at the same time? "There was this thing flying around and it was destroying the whole town. It came this way and I think your mom, Emma, David, and Mary Margaret went there too. I jumped out of the car and we walked towards the church. I felt like something bad had happened in there as it was eerily quiet. We soon found ourselves inside the church just as Regina was about to kill David who was held to the wall by vines. Looks like Regina got her magic back. "Mom?" Henry asked, shocked. "Henry, Scarlett, what are you doing here?" Regina asked. "What are you doing?" I asked. "It's okay. You're safe now," Regina said and the vines disappeared. Ruby ran over to help David who has fallen to the ground. "W-Where's our mom and where's-" "They're gone. They fell through a portal. They're... Henry, Scarlett, I'm sorry," Regina said, cutting Henry off. "No, you're not. You really are the Evil Queen. I don't want to see you again," I spat. "No, don't say that. I love you two," Regina pleaded. "Then, prove it. Get Emma and Mary Margaret back. And until then, leave me and Henry – leave everyone – alone!" I yelled. "But where will you go?" Regina asked. "With me," David said and Ruby, David, Henry and I left, leaving Regina alone.

We walked into Mary Margaret's apartment and I threw myself onto the couch. I looked up to see Henry staring at a picture of Emma and Mary Margaret. David must have noticed too because he said, "Henry?" "Yeah?" he replied. "Don't worry. Emma and Mary Margaret – they're alive," David assured. "How do you know?" I asked. David looked at me and said, "I have faith." "But..." Henry and I started at the same time, but David cut us off. "Henry. Scarlett. Come here. I will find them. I will always find them," he said and we all hugged. I hope we find them soon. But, something tells me that them being sent away was a good thing... I'm not sure why... but I intend to find out.

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