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Scarlett's P.O.V.

"This can't be happening," I sighed as we watched the purple mist of the Shattered Sight spell coming closer to us. "Well it is. Belle was right. My aunt is actually doing this," Elsa said, handing the binoculars to Emma who quickly looked through before handing them to David. "The spell of shattered sight," Mary Margaret breathed. "We open the mines and the vault. We take shelter there," David said, handing Hook the binoculars. "This is magic. It doesn't care about ceilings. It's started," Regina said. "How long?" Hook asked. "Sundown," Peter said, without even needing to look through the binoculars. "Right. By sundown, everyone in this town will start... tearing each other apart," Regina nodded. "Okay. The answer is simple. Let's not be in town," Emma said. "Well, that sounds like a great plan," I said under my breath sarcastically.


"Hardly an elegant solution," Regina said as we assessed the ice wall on the town line. "Nothing wrong with brute force if it works," Emma said. "If we can get over, we can build a frame, take people over one at a time," Leroy said. "This really isn't a good plan," I shook my head as David approached the ice wall. He hacked at it with an ice pick and it... fought back... you could say. Everyone rushed to check on him while Peter and I leisurely walked over. "Looks like that wall doesn't care much for your brute force," Regina said. "Anyone else got any bright ideas?" Peter asked, in his cocky sarcastic voice. I watched as Elsa bent down to reach for something in the snow. "Elsa? You should step back... That thing could blow again... It obviously doesn't like us," I said, pulling her away with Emma. "It's Anna's necklace. I thought it was gone. It's like a miracle," Elsa breathed and I looked at her hand to see the semi-charred necklace. "Glad you found it, but sentimentality's not worth risking your life over," Emma said. "It's a sign, Emma... A sign we're gonna win," Elsa said, smiling. "Is everyone into this hope thing now?" Regina scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"If we're gonna win, we need to stop wasting time. Mom, dad, Leroy, go tell everyone what's going on. When this goes down, everyone needs to be separated from their loved ones if they don't want to hurt each other. Killian go to waterfront to see if we can use boats to get some people out," Emma said, out of breath for some reason. I looked to Peter then down to our entwined hands. I was worried for him. He's not exactly Storybrooke's citizen of the year. "I have to warn Robin Hood. His camp's not far from here," Regina said. "Okay, go. Elsa, Scarlett, and I are gonna talk to Gold, see if he has any ideas. Henry, you come with us," Emma said. "No. He's with me. I'm his best chance," Regina protested. "That might not be true. Emma, Scarlett, and I? I think we're immune," Elsa said. "What?" Regina asked. "The ribbons," I said, "The Snow Queen wants us... alive... So she obviously would make us immune with these ribbons." "So I should definitely watch Henry," Emma said. "No. You're part of this nut job's plan. I want Henry near me as long as it's safe for him," Regina said. "It's okay, mom. I'll be fine with her," Henry told Emma. "Be careful, kid," Emma whispered, hugging Henry. "We gotta go. This is happening now," Regina said.

"What about Felix? And Peter? Where are you two gonna go?" I asked. "Well, we can't be near each other, that's for sure," Felix said. "What's that supposed to mean?" Peter asked. "It means I want to kill you. Often. As you do to me. Often," Felix said. "He's not wrong," Peter nodded to me. I sighed, "You two are ridiculous. Both of you need to find a place where you won't hurt anyone or get hurt. You two are on Storybrooke's Most Wanted right after the Snow Queen to be honest," I shrugged. "Once again, I'd have to agree," Peter said, pointing at me. "Just go. Find someplace safe. Don't tell each other or anyone where you two are. I'll see you when it's all over," I said, quickly kissing Peter before hugging Felix. Peter teleported away and Felix nodded at me before running off into the woods. I turned to Emma and Elsa, grabbing their arms, "Let's go. We've got no time to waste." I then teleported the 3 of us to Gold's shop. Hopefully, he'll help.

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