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Scarlett's P.O.V.

Day 2 of being stuck tied to this damn chair and the rope burns are killing me. I was tired from struggling and passed out sometime around 3 in the morning... now it seems to be early morning and Zelena is sitting in a chair in front of me, just staring at me. "What do you want, witch bitch?" I spat, rolling my eyes. "I suggest you watch that mouth of yours if you want to last another day alive," Zelena threatened and the urge to roll my eyes and scoff was so great, that I did just that. "Go ahead. Kill me. I dare you," I said, leaning forwards towards Zelena slightly. "And what makes you think I won't take you up o that dare?" Zelena asked. "Because you need me. Peter won't do anything you tell him if he finds out you've killed me. Not to mention the whole town wants you dead for killing Neal. Imagine how much worse it'll get for you if I'm dead. So go ahead and kill me," I said, leaning back on my chair. Selena grumbled something incoherently before she stood up and left.


Peter's P.O.V.

Day 2 of being without Scarlett. I couldn't sleep all night... but I knew I couldn't just barge into Zelena's house without a plan. But now... now I've got one... Now I'm ready to save Scarlett. I ran down the stairs of Regina's house and towards the door, but was stopped by a voice asking, "You finally going to save my daughter? Took you long enough." I turned and saw Regina standing there. I nodded, "I had to think 0f a plan. I know how strong Zelena is and I know I can't just burst into her house to save Scarlett because that will put Scarlett in danger. I've come up with a plan that will keep Scarlett as far away from pain and danger as possible." "Good... but if she does get hurt, I'm blaming you. Now, go," she said, using her magic to open the door and I sprinted out of the house and towards Zelena's. I'm coming for you, Scarlett. I


Scarlett's P.O.V.

A few minutes later, Zelena was back, heart in hand... literally... but not her heart. "Well... since that heart isn't completely charred... or green, I'm guessing you finally got my mom's heart, hmm?" I asked. "Yes. It was quite easy, actually. Rumple was right. Love is weakness," Zelena said, then looked out toe window, "And now we get to see an example of just how weak it makes someone." "Peter, you idiot," I muttered, realizing Peter was here to try to save me.


Peter's P.O.V.

I strutted into Zelena's house. No weapons. No backup. Nothing. Knowing that Zelena most probably wanted to do something with me, my only plan was to just stroll in and let her. Why else would I be the only one allowed to save Scarlett. She wants me for something. I bet if I had my memories I would know what she wants. "Ah... you're finally here," Zelena said, coming out of the shadows and then nodded to someone behind me. Suddenly, someone grabbed me from behind and spun me around and I faced Gold... or Rumplestiltskin... or whatever his name is. He glared at me as he tied my hands together before walking away, probably back to the cellar. "This way," Zelena said, leading me into a dark room, illuminated only by a singular window. "Scarlett, lover boy's here," Zelena said, facing the back of the dark room. I walked towards the back of the room and saw a girl with her head hanging down, blonde hair cascading around her face. She slowly looked up and I saw her sad, blue eyes. Scarlett.


Scarlett's P.O.V.

"Scarlett, lover boy's here," Zelena said from the front of the room. I heard footsteps approach me and when they stopped in front of me, I slowly looked up and saw Peter. How could he be so stupid as to risk his life for mine? "Peter?" I asked. He knelt down in front of me and cupped my cheeks with his bound hands. "Did she hurt you?" he asked. I shook my head, "No, but they're gonna hurt you if you don't leave. Now." He shook his head, "I'm not leaving you in here. Zelena will kill you." "He's right, Scarlett. Without Pan, you are of no use to me," Zelena said. "So what do you want with me then, hmm?" Peter asked. "Well... to help me, of course. You and I are the only two people so far, that I know of, to take down the Dark One... I need power like that on my side," Zelena explained. "And why would I ever help you?" Peter asked. "Because I have Scarlett, of course... and if you don't want her to get hurt... or worse... then I suggest you help me," Zelena threatened. "And how would I help you?" Peter asked.

"You aren't seriously thinking of helping her, are you?" I asked. Peter didn't answer me. "Peter? Peter Pan, don't you dare-" "Oh, shut up," Zelena said, waving her hand towards me. A cloth suddenly appeared in my mouth, gagging me. I grumbled. "Now, Pan... Peter... Malcolm... whatever you go by currently," Zelena began, "I want you to act like everything is perfectly normal. You and Scarlett will go home and everything will be fine." "Then what was the point in this?" Peter asked, walking closer to Zelena. "Because," Zelena said, disappearing and reappearing in front of me, "I will have Scarlett's heart, "She shoved her hand into my chest and I cried out through the gag as she ripped my heart out, "One wrong move from you and I'll squeeze it... until it becomes nothing but ash and Scarlett is dead, do you understand me?" Peter glared at Zelena, but his eyes held more fear than hatred. Without an answer, Zelena began squeezing my heart and I screamed in pain. "I understand. I understand! Stop. Stop hurting her," Peter begged and Zelena stopped squeezing my heart. "Now, I have turned one of my precious monkeys into a copy of Scarlett. Sort of like what I did with Elian and Walsh. You and the Scarlett copy will go to Regina and continue on with the life as usual. Except at the end of the day, you will report back to me what you have seen and if Regina or any of the others even come close to finding a way to stop me, I want you to use your magic to stop them," Zelena explained.

"Magic?" Peter asked. No. He can't know of his magic. It could trigger his memory and make him evil again. I can't let that happen. I start screaming through the gag for Peter to stop... for him to not take the deal... for him to just let me die. "You have magic, dear. Did no one ever tell you?" Zelena asked, smirking. Peter looked at me questioningly and I just hung my head low. "They must have gone away with the memories, because I don't have magic," Peter said. "I can change that," Zelena said, waving a hand at Peter. I looked up slightly to see what she had done and I couldn't see anything different of Peter. He felt his chest and then looked up, curiosity and shock filling his eyes. "I can remember," he said. My eyes filled with hope until I realized if he really did remember, he'd have killed Zelena by now. "I don't remember everything... or anything really... but I remember magic... how did you do that?" Peter asked Zelena. "Secret," Zelena whispered. "Now, off you go. No time to waste. I'll be here with the real Scarlett and remember," Zelena said, squeezing my heart again, "Don't screw up."


Peter's P.O.V.

I watched in anger and pain as Zelena squeezed Scarlett's heart again, warning me not to mess up. I watched Scarlett writhe in her chair in pain, whimpering, tears falling down her face. I looked into her eyes and she shook her head, not wanting me to leave, but I had to do what Zelena asked if I wanted Scarlett safe. I left the house and was soon accompanied by what I guess was the Scarlett decoy. I could easily tell it wasn't her. This version of Scarlett paid me no attention. She didn't hold the same warm glow that my Scarlett. She was too... not Scarlett. I couldn't really describe it. I just knew there was something off about this thing that was taking Scarlett's form. I'm not sure why it was so easy to tell... but it was... I knew the true Scarlett. And this was not Scarlett.

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